
what do you think, friends?


Well. Well. Well.

I disappear from the internet for a day or two and look what happens.

I mean, I was just camping with friends and then suddenly every thing on this website is looking spiffy and shiny.

(Truly, camping and this face lift here have little to do with one another, except that they did both occur during the same basic time span.  Kind of.)

At any rate.

I love it.

I love the giant photos scrolling across up top.  (I need to get watermarks on several of those because Emma at Paper Story & Design took a few of them and they are so fantastic and she deserves all the credit for their beauty.)

There are several kinks to work out, such as the fact that in order to comment you have to click on the title of the blog post and go to its own page.  (Please still click and comment you guys.)

I was so very ready for a new look and a change on this space and I love that the words stand out more and the design feels clean.

Many many and all the thanks to Jacob who flew all the way over here from Bangladesh just to help my blog look prettier.  (I think that’s why he came – right?)

I’ve got loads of words in store and images a plenty to upload but my summer days have been getting a little out of control and I hope to find some solid footing and regular scheduling shortly.  As my friend says, “You need to reclaim your days”.  And I do.  I really do need to reclaim them.

Until then — let me know what you think of the new pretty here.
