
There is but one good; that is God. Everything else is good when it looks to Him and bad when it turns from Him. - C.S. Lewis

  • HomeLife,  Uncategorized

    Go Ahead and Instagram Your “Perfect” Life

    There’s a very popular article making its way around the Internet lately. It’s called Stop Instagramming Your Perfect Life. Of course, if you’re my dad – you don’t even know what Instagram is so that article (and probably this post) are completely irrelevant. And that’s okay. Maybe they should both be irrelevant anyway. I think the writer made some valid points. In fact, maybe we would even agree on a lot of this if we were chatting face to face. If you haven’t read it – feel free to do that now. Shauna Niequist, the author, declares us to be negatively influenced by the practice of most Facebook and Instagram…

  • Uncategorized

    Dining Out

    We don’t eat out all that often. You can imagine why. (It isn’t the behavior of our children, actually, thank you very much.) It’s the cost, you know. There’s really no way around the truth. There is almost nothing, not even the cheapest of fast food meals, that can be purchased at a restaurant that is actually cheaper than something you can make at home. Not to mention healthier. (Don’t get me started. Don’t even get me started.) Part of the beauty of vacation, however, is not preparing meals. So on our recent Tybee Island vacation, we ate out. A lot. You name it – we probably tried it. The…

  • HomeLife,  Keiglets,  Mosely Ella Claiborne,  Uncategorized

    This One

    I just don’t know if you have seen enough of this kid lately. At dinner Mosely is frequently guilty of bringing her prized blanket to the table. Blankets are not allowed at the Keigley meal table. (Yes, that is a real rule at our house.) Kevin told her to store it somewhere special so she would not misplace it. With great pomp, Mosely arose from the table, carried her blanket across the kitchen and opened the china cabinet. She lovingly placed her blanket on the shelf so she could see it through the glass doors during the entire meal.