
break week !


When you take one giant portion off your plate, the whole load lightens up immeasurably.

This is Break Week at Wildwood Halls of Ivy.

It’s so much easier to get all the things done when all the things is a much shorter list.

Which begs the question, why am I even doing school?



No, not really.  That’s not the actual question.

At least not one I allow myself to ask currently.  (Because I have already asked it, answered it and chosen my path for this year.)

But whatever, break week is still great.

This morning we could sleep in.

Not that we did.  Ryder let us know bright and early that the men were outside ready to work on our roof.  And by the end of the day – a new roof was totally completed.  Which is impressive.  But an awful lot like getting new brakes on your car.  Sure, you know you need them and it’s vital and all, but the pleasure of the purchase is just a little lost in all the digits it costs to get said new roof or new brakes or fill in the blank with all the less than fun purchasing decisions.

But hooray for progress and new roofs and stuff like that.

Also hooray for weather that invites you to eat dinner on the deck and gorgeous sunsets.



We’re down to single digits on this Whole 30 journey and that makes me ecstatic.  Although tonight’s dinner of sloppy joes and potato wedges with kale was none too shabby and when I followed it up with peaches and coconut cream it felt downright decadent which just goes to show that even a sugar addict like me can change her ways for a couple of weeks if she must.

I’ve even had time to watch the episode of This Is Us – which only took me six days to get to.  (But man, you guys.  It’s just SO good.)

Plus, we did a few household chores and a little clothing shopping and what an example of terrible timing it is when all FIVE kids get too tall for their fall pants at the exact same time.  Phew, it’s about the same price as a new roof.  Okay, well, not entirely – although I only bought them all A pair or two each and so if I had bought them all several pairs, then it might have rivaled the cost of the roof.  Kids are pricey y’all, but they’re so darn cute and funny that mostly you forgive them.



Plus, this weekend they made sausage and potato soup so they’re kind of helpful too.

And anyway, new pants and feeding this (always very hungry) gang and keeping a roof over their heads is the deal I signed up for and I’m all in so let’s figure out how to buy more pants, shall we?

In other news related to shopping, Target is a weird place right now with all the Halloween costumes littering the aisles.



Also, thank goodness for interns and business partners and friends and all the ways God doles out generous portions just when we need them.

And also, one last time, hooray for break week.


