HomeLife,  Story

. . . being left


The Heavy is actually not so much the literal parenting alone, although that has a weight indeed.

But it is more the colossal burden of being

the Left Behind.

Different than the Scarlet A worn on the chest.

In our culture that red letter carries so little weight.  So little shame.

It feels more difficult to wear the letters that spell Unlovable. Not Worth Saving.

It’s not so much

Being Alone

as it is

being Left Alone.





  • Sara

    I absolutely hate the reality that prompted you to write those words.
    My heart hurts. Tears fall.

    But you are not alone. Not unloved not unlovable.

    Sin destroys and ruins and lies. And attempts to make us believe those lies.

    You are beautiful and lovely. Loved and appreciated. Filled with the grace and glory of every woman of God.
    And you seem to have an unending stream of friends.
    (I am horribly aware that none of these words heal the wounds you bear. I’m sorry. I love you.)

  • M. Sunshine Leister

    no, never alone, no never alone. He promised never to leave me. Never to leave me alone…love that old hymn. He, my True husband to the husbandless, Father to the fatherless, chose me and choses daily to never leave me alone. So thankful. Loving you as you walk in seasons of aloneness, that you come out full and complete on the other side. In Jesus’ Name.

    • Nikkie

      Goodness. There is not a much truer statement than this.

      So sad. So true.

      I hate the letters that say not worth saving.

      I get it.

      In a real and daily battle for worthiness kind of way.

      And while we feel this way lots of days, I know the opposite is true.

      You are lovable.

      You are worth saving.

      Let’s keep preaching to ourselves and to each other.

      Love you Lacey.