HomeLife,  Otto Fox Wilder

I’m blaming his father for his spunk.

Sometimes I have to ask myself, “What kind of ship am I running over here anyway?”

(That’s a phrase I actually use, but now that I’m seeing it in type I think it’s a pretty silly phrase.  Running a ship?  Is that a thing people do?)

We were at a friend’s house a few weeks ago for our co-op and Otto and his buddy came trekking in from their outside play.  Another child walked in ahead of the two rascals and said, “There’s a mess in the yard.”

Yes.  There was.  A heap of ripped up white packing peanuts covered the green grass.

Otto stood in the kitchen.  Packing peanut remnants were clinging to his static-y head.

(Maybe the phrase “caught you red-handed” should change to “caught you peanut packaged”.  Or maybe not.)

I looked at my boy.

He looked at me.

Eyes locked, I asked him, “Otto – is there a mess in the yard?”




And these are the words he chose – “Mommy, why do you care to know?”


  • Rachel

    Ours was in the car on the way home from church.
    N: "Mama, can I have some candy please?"
    Me: "No, we're going home to eat lunch."
    N: "Daddy, can I have some candy?"
    Keith: "What did your mother *just* say?"
    N: "Is she in charge of these things?"

    Not. Even. Kidding.

    Co-ops. How do you decide? I'm going to an open house in April. What should I look for?

    • lacey35

      This is hilarious.

      And co-ops. Oh. It's a tough one. We've been involved with four in our homeschooling history. They have met different needs at different times.

      I think maybe you should decide before you go what really matters to you in a co-op — time it meets, what it teaches, parental involvement required, number of days it meets, teachers involved etc. Pick the few that are the real reason you want a co-op. Don't worry if those are good or bad reasons really – they'll probably be a little different with every season of life. Do you mostly want mom interaction or kid interaction or group play or structure or etc? And then be sure the co-op you pick has at least that one thing so you will feel alright compromising on some of the other details that matter less to you right now.

      Let me know how it goes.

      Plus – I have chicken on the menu this week – sooo – you can count on some prayers! 🙂

  • Meghan

    oh! love that! my youngest has that same… spunk.. to her! It makes you want to laugh when you are still supposed to be the grownup!

    Last week mine bit her older sister, when my husband asked if she was being ugly to her sister, she answered "I was a minute ago, but I'm not any more." with a shrug of her shoulders!

    • lacey35

      Yes – the "spunk" does make you want to laugh when you know you should not!

      Kids being literal always makes me laugh!