Chaos,  HomeLife

Water. My old friend.

Do you know what I take for granted?

Running water.

Toilets that can flush.

Do you know how I know that I take these every day conveniences for granted?

Because when my alarm clock beeped this morning and I said good morning to my husband he responded with – “The pipes are frozen. We don’t have any water.”

(Yes. We had left water running all night long to attempt to prevent this very situation.)

It was 7 o’clock and the temperature was resting at 9 degrees. (Outside, of course. Inside, it was a pleasant 60 degrees.)

Kevin left for an early morning breakfast meeting.

I pondered my options. From the warmth of three quilts mind you.

I figured I couldn’t shower. I couldn’t brush my teeth. I couldn’t flush the toilet.

My choice seemed pretty clear right then.

Stay under the covers.

It’s the perfect way to combat frozen pipes.

Eventually I had to succumb to the powerful responsibilities of being a human adult in this world and I crept out from under the delightful blankets.

For some reason I had already filled the pot with water for the morning oatmeal the night before and it was waiting on the oven for our breakfast.   Dirty dishes stacked in the sink, we started school with unbrushed teeth and unwashed hands.

It was a day for interruptions – and there were many – but we bungled through it nonetheless.

The water for the chickens was frozen. The water in the dog bowls was frozen.

Some time after lunch (more dirty dishes accumulating) Kevin’s magic trick finally worked.  He had rigged a heat lamp aimed at the pipes that are pretty much openly exposed to the frigid temperatures. And the heat lamp had done its duty.

Glorious water came gurgling through the faucets.

I was very thankful to see my old taken for granted friend again.

Hello Water.

So nice of you to drop by.

London has been asking all of this school year, “When can we have a Laura Ingalls day and use no water or electricity or anything?”

I guess London – we kind of had one today.


  • Gretchen

    I like the new look of your blog! It has been a while since I have been able to visit!!! Looks great! And I am sorry that you had to go without water. Sounds like a lot of people up North did! Have a great day! Love ya! G