Chaos,  Piper Finn Willow

How To Celebrate Five With About That Many Dollars

1.  Allow your daughter the rare (first in her lifetime actually) privilege of choosing three friends to invite over for an evening of fun.

2.  Instruct the girls to all wear dress-up princess attire.

3.  Have big sisters paint finger nails and toe nails, brush hair, apply sparkle lip gloss and show the girls their reflections in a handheld mirror.

4.  Spread a cache of beads and girly-colored pipe cleaners on the table and create necklaces and bracelets galore.

5.  Eat miniature snacks served in muffin tins.  (Pizza bites.  Baked mozzarella sticks.  Broccoli and hummus.  Apples with dip.  Chocolate cupcakes with pink icing.)

6.  Permit the princesses to run around twirling their wands and wearing their boas.

7.  Draw and color a special art page created by Daddy featuring four unicorns representing four little girls at a certain party.

8.  Allow the princesses to dramatically present themselves to their waiting parents at the bottom of the stairway.  (Cue triumphant music and have Daddy gallantly hold a Nerf sword above their heads as they pass under.)

9.  Take lots of silly photos on the porch.