
What We Have Been Up To

Papaw and Grandma traveled all the way down from Ohio to hang out with our rowdy band for a few days.

And we have made the most of the opportunity to explore and have adventures together.

The kids introduced Grandma to Chick-fil-A and dining with the loudest table mates in history.  (Can you imagine never tasting the classic Chick-fil-A sandwich?  We could not allow that travesty to go on.)

A trip to the zoo was enjoyed by all.

Excellent local barbecue was consumed.

Of course we could not have guests and not take them to our favorite apple orchard.

Sadly, we discovered that our favorite apple variety – the beloved Honey Crisp – is already out of season.  But we are working on replacing the tart apple with the Mutsu.  (I’ll let you know how that transition goes.)

Papaw boldly agreed to ride in the passenger seat while Riley tested out her driving skills.

We partook of delicious local Thai food.

Papaw and Grandma also graciously offered to be solely in charge of the band overnight while Kevin and I whisked away to attend a surprise birthday party for Tyler and to have a night over at the house of these guys.

Which allowed us the opportunity

to spend a long drive in the car chatting and listening to music sans little voices in the backseat.

to eat dinner and enjoy good conversations with our wonderful pals Nate and Jenn (thanks again guys!) at the California Pizza Kitchen where Nate had Thai pizza.  (Yeah.  Thai.)

to surprise Tyler at his 30th birthday party.

to meet this guy and this guy – funny fellows and incredible artists in their particular fields.

to make our first official visit to Trader Joe’s.

It has been good to spend time with family, to watch the kids cuddle and hug and laugh and talk with their grandparents.

It was good.

And I am glad for weeks such as this.


  • emma

    Man! I always miss out on the honey crisps! I like your BANGS- you look super cute. Wierd. You have bangs and I DON'T? That's wierd. I feel like I should run to get my hair done before our visit down this week.

    • LaceyKeigley

      I know – I cannot believe there will be no Honey Crisp on our trip there.
      A tragedy.
      Thank you.
      And actually – I have scheduled a hair appointment for you with my chick. You will, in fact, have bangs before I see you. I have it all arranged.