HomeLife,  Keiglets

Actually Said Out Loud

Ridiculous Things People Have Actually Said Out Loud To Me

You have your hands full.

You are so brave.

Two six-year olds?  How did you manage that?

How old are you?

How do you manage it?

You look too young to have this many children.

How old were you when you started having kids?

Are they ALL yours?

Don’t you know how this happens?

What were you thinking?

Girl, you need to stop having babies.

What ludicrous comments have people actually said to you?


  • Brenden McGlinchey

    Alright. My wife sent over a related post I hopped to this one and I just had to add a comment. We have 4 kids and are starting the process of adoption.
    This has been stated over and over:

    Person: Don't you know what causes that?
    Me: Yes… and I like it.

  • Andrea

    Leaving a church function where my two month old had been, and hadn’t made a sound, a guy holding the door open asks me, “is that a real baby?”

    No, I’m just a grown woman who still carries around dolls, and sneaks out of service to change them.


    • LaceyKeigley

      I just read this out loud to my husband and he laughed too.
      Two laughs – one comment. Pretty good numbers!

  • Kim Robinson

    My girls are less than two years apart, I don't get all the comments you get but I do get some of the same ones… Like, you are through having kids right. I am like I don't know it's just two of them geesh.

  • tiffany p

    We have 4 children. When I tell them we homeschool…..Person: "You homeschool all of them? " ( I think in my head…"No just one or two the others I don't teach anything" albeit there are people who send some of their kids to school and not others. No offense.)

  • nikkie

    we have three of the five total who are adopted… two of which are my neices. and one of them is too old for me to actually have birthed her, so it's a riot watching people do the math in their head.

    the homeschool comments are the best, though.

    open mouth, insert foot. seriously.

  • Lisa Van Ek

    I've been asked if I run a day care….(even though they all look the same)

    Some man actually offered to pay for cable TV..impling that we need something else to do. Steven told the man "cable tv still has commercials"

    And everyone after asking if they are ALL mine says " God Bless" and I say yes He has

  • Marion

    My current favorite is, "You must be due soon."
    "Well, sort of…I'm due in October."
    Insert look of surprise – "Wow." Sometimes followed by "Is it twins?"
    And if Elizabeth is with me…"How old is she?"
    "16 months"
    "You're going to have your hands full."

    As if I don't already…

  • Jenny

    These are great! Last month all of us were at a gathering and a lady who had never met our family before says to Jason, "your family should be the poster family for genetics, you all look so much alike!" Of course this struck me funny since all 3 of our kids are adopted. When I went ahead and let her in on that, she had a hard time believing me! Then she asked, "how did you do that?" (meaning get them to look all alike) I just smiled and said the Lord just worked it out that way. It's amazing what complete strangers will say! Sometimes I just bite my tongue, smile and go on. 🙂

    • LaceyKeigley

      I do think it is funny how God arranges some of those details. Our oldest daughter and I are sometimes mistaken for sisters and sh is adopted too!

    • LaceyKeigley

      Okay – you might win for the most ridiculous.
      Someone actually asked if they could have him?
      How do you ever answer that?
      I\’ve gotten the cost one too – maybe I know what they are trying to say but it still sounds awful.

  • Melissa Ann

    Twins? No, they're triplets. We just left the third one at home because we didn't have room in the stroller.
    How far apart ARE they? One minute (and keep pushing the stroller as fast as I can before they can wrap their brains around that fact)
    Do they run in your family? No yet… but give them a couple months.
    Do you ever get any sleep? Yes, they've slept through the night for 5 months now.
    I don't know how you do it. Me either… maybe it's grace. 😉
    You've got your hands full! No actually they're in the stroller so my hands are empty.
    Do you breast feed them? This was from a male! I was flabbergasted!
    Did you have a c-section? Also flabbergasted… this was a stranger.
    Double trouble! Sorry… they're not trouble. Try double blessings!
    Are they natural? Sorry folks, one is a clone! (What right do total strangers have to ask about a twin momma's methods of conception!! And besides mine are most likely identical which is a random occurrence!)

    • LaceyKeigley

      Are they natural?
      What else could they be really?
      And that some dude asked about breastfeeding??? Very curious.

  • Cindy

    Even with only 3 children…albeit very close in age, a woman asked me if they were all mine. When I replied in the affirmative, she asked, "Are you sure?" ~~~DUH~~~

  • Amanda

    since I only have two, I don't think I reach qualification for those comments "yet"…I was in the grocery store one day and I overheard this;
    A young woman with 7 little children and an older man…
    Old man: Are those all yours?
    Young womand: yep.
    Old Man: By the same man?
    Young Woman: uh huh.
    Old Man: looks I bet you can't wait till school starts back
    Young woman: Oh, I homeschool.
    Old man: {puzzled look on his face} says..oh.

    It's funny how you sometimes get those looks when you say you homeschool, like…your from another plant.

    • LaceyKeigley

      Oh – I should make another list for what people say when they ask about homeschooling.
      I have had so many people question my sanity!!