
parenting olympics: the olympics for parents. get it?

Pretty sure the Parenting Olympics would be way more popular than the Winter Olympics were.  (Oh, come on Leanne and Jane – you know it’s true.)

I think I am practicing all the time.

Perhaps two categories (or events or whatever an official sounding name is) would be something a little like this . . .

My mad skillz on the hoops, yo!

Every time I change a diaper (and that’s still a-plenty, I’ll have you know) I attempt to swish said dirty diaper into the trash.  Sometimes I give myself little challenges – off the wall, into the blue pail.  Over Fox’s head, then swish.  You know how we do.

Strong Man.  (Or woman.  Got it.)

Carrying two children at once because one’s shoe is untied and she cannot imagine being asked to walk on an untied shoe and one is . . . well – willing to walk but I am unwilling to allow him to walk because I forgot his shoes and his walking takes soooo long to accomplish and is unpredictable in its very nature and all I want to do is just get to the car so I can go to the store to buy more diapers to practice my  hoop dreams.

This skill is also honed by carrying both an eager-to-walk one-year-old on your right hip and eighteen bags of groceries to feed your family for one afternoon on the left arm, right hand, around the neck, over the shoulder, around your waist and looped to the ankles to avoid making two trips.

What other daily parenting acts should earn us a right to compete?


  • emma

    Well, there should definitely be a relay of some sort…maybe passing off a potty training child to get to the bathroom as quick as possible?

    And you should probably have something that deals with multi-tasking. I wouldn't qualify for that one though.

    • LaceyKeigley

      I think you are probably a better multi-tasker than you realize.

      We should also have some competition involving talking on the phone and discipling kids at the same time.

  • Mommy2EandS

    How about the 2-child hip balance…you know, walking through the house (or around the park or from the car to the house) with one child on each hip.

    Or the 2 bathroom sprint (maybe this is just me)…where you have 2 children that require potty assistance and they have to go at the same time so you sprint from one bathroom to the other several times.

    Or the super mommy sense, you know where you know what your child is doing 3 rooms away even though you can’t see it and you know when it’s “too quiet” (or maybe that’s our super power!)

    Love your blog. Found you from SCL several months ago and now I check your blog before SCL (don’t tell John!).

    • laceykeigley

      I think you may have just given me the most fun compliment yet!

      Reading ME before Jon Acuff. Fantastic!

  • tiffany p

    Changing dirty diaper in the back of a moving vehicle.(safety concerns may disqualify this event: Or changing diaper in vehicle in the dark!. Getting 4 children dressed and ready for church. This would be a timed event with extra points for matching shoes/clothes and least amount of meltdowns.

  • Laurissa

    sprinting…after children.
    hurdles…running after said children jumping over toys and other various items strewn haphazardly by said children.
    extreme dish washing and cleaning skills…