
what didn’t get done.


But seriously.

I’m shutting the lap top (or about to) and it’s 1:49.


That’s nonsense.



And I have a list of Five Finds Fridays but I’m too tired to complete it now.

I just finished writing the newsletter for Travelers Rest Here.  (If you haven’t signed up, even if you’re not local, you totally should.  It’s funny (I hope) and it’s informative and subscribers help make the late nights feel more worthwhile.)  (This is the link – sign up is at the bottom. Travelers Rest Here. I”m at 1,730.  I’d like to reach 2,000.)

It goes out once a week and I usually write it Thursday afternoons/evenings so it can be as up to date as possible.  Tonight is unusually late, however, because of a pair of tickets Piper and I received to listen to Andrew Peterson perform his Behold the Lamb concert.  Which was worth it.  

I did NOT repeat my awkward Andrew Peterson exchange again.  Once was enough.

Anyway – this post is to say I can’t cut it this week.  No Five Finds.

And – this post is also to say – how on earth to people do this?

How do people juggle All The Things All The Time?

I’m inclined to say that they don’t.  They don’t juggle all the things.  No one really does.  Even when it appears that they do.  But this week has been extra difficult to be one person and get the stuff done and I have dropped so many balls.

Here’s a short list before I sign off of what I have not done this week:

Purchased a gift for my grandson’s second birthday.  Which is this weekend.
Returned important work emails.
Done my own laundry.
Washed my hair.
Ordered a new faucet for my broken kitchen sink.
Finished the reviews I am obligated to write. Which were due Tuesday.
Taught Latin.  (Why did I think that was a good addition to our school curriculum?)
Checked kids’ homework diligently.

There’s more.  But then I’d just be staying up even later.

Well, folks.  You can’t win ’em all.







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