Product Review

Grove Collaborative – we’ve been friends for a while ….


Sometimes you jump on a bandwagon because other people are doing it and you want to see what all the hype is about.

Sometimes your friend or your cousin or your sister convinces you to give her favorite new product a try so you go for it because you love that person.

Some of those new products and new companies keep you along for the ride for a few weeks or a few months and then you try out the next thing that comes across your Facebook page or your email account.

But, every now and then, something sticks – right?

Sometimes some product or company stays around a long time and it feels like they become your company selling your products.

That’s how I feel about Grove Collaborative.



I think it was more than three years ago that I read about a company that supplied household products that I already loved (like Tom’s and Mrs. Meyers and Seventh Generation) and delivered them to my door.  And sure, you can use Amazon – and I’m not against that friendly giant – but the prices at Grove are better, the system is set up differently and the convenience level for me is higher.  Back then they were called ePantry actually, so we’ve been friends for so long that they’ve changed their name.

They routinely host incentives and giveaways to provide opportunities for you to try out their products and their service, and today is that day!

If you decide to sign up with Grove Collaborative as a new customer any time between now and Mother’s Day (wait – this weekend is Mother’s Day?) you get the following items for FREE ….



  • New Customer Offer:
    • Mrs. Meyer’s hand soap
    • Mrs. Meyer’s dish soap
    • Mrs. Meyer’s hand lotion
    • Grove replaceable head dish brush


Now, remember, these items here are totally free – and that’s a great deal.  But you do have to purchase other items – $20 worth – to receive these free Mrs. Meyers products.  (Which still makes this a great deal as you will be buying some stuff you actually need and avoiding the pitfalls of shopping alone at Target.)

If you’ve already read my pitch here before and Grove is your good friend by now too, then you can use this link.   You’ll receive free walnut scrubber sponges in your next order.

Happy shopping, friends!


