Chaos,  HomeLife

What Never Gets Done: My Partial List


You guys.  Y’all.

Whatever the right word is.

I need a Time Management tool.  Or like one of those time turner things that Hermione uses in Hogwarts so she can attend more classes than she ought to.  That is EXACTLY what I need.

How on earth do people work forty plus hours away from their home and then ever actually have a clean home when they just are not in it that much?  Today as I did laundry I thought, I could keep up with this if I had nothing else to do.  But I have everything else to do.  Like all of us.

Does anyone else find the most basic of tasks to be too much sometimes?  No, for real.  As in – I washed the sheets on my bed on Sunday.  On Sunday night they were still in the dryer and I wanted to go to sleep.  So I just spread a blanket on my bed and slept on top of that instead of putting the clean sheets on.  On Monday Bergen carried the clean sheets from the dryer to my bed as one of his chores this week is to unload the dryer.  I want to go to bed later but I’m pretty confident that I will set the clean sheets on my trunk and sleep on the blanket again tonight because it’s already too late to mess with the sheets and Otto fell asleep on top of the blanket anyway and I’m not moving him now.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll actually put the clean sheets back on.  The sheets that I took off on Sunday.  Really.  Does it take anyone else three days to make their bed?

Last weekend the cat ate through my computer cord.  She really did that.

I bought a sofa on Craig’s List probably two years ago.  It was a great deal on a leather sofa and I knew that one cushion seriously needed repairing – it is just too compressed and needs to have a new foam or whatever inserted into it.  That has been on my to do list for TWO years.  We’ve all just grown accustomed to the flattened sofa cushion back because, two years later, I have still not figured out a plan to get a new cushion inside the leather casing.

I actually really need to hear the weird things sitting around your house waiting for repair.  

I can’t really turn the laundry room light off.  Because the switch is behind a tall cabinet in the kitchen and my hand (nor any child’s hand in my home) can not fit in the space between the cabinet and the wall to reach the switch.  This is a true story.

Bergen says he has no clean pants to wear but it’s only because the kids are in charge of bringing their own laundry downstairs to the (well lit) laundry room and he simply never remembers to bring his basket downstairs.  I feel like it’s a life lesson and I’m not carrying it down for him.

A tile fell from the wall in the bathroom.  Probably last summer.  It’s still sitting on the shelf.  Just waiting for some sort of bathroom genie to reattach it to the wall.  I don’t know any bathroom genies and the glue I tried once didn’t work and two tries just isn’t in my time schedule.

This is not an exhaustive list.  I’m embarrassed to share all the things that need fixing, put away, restored, tossed out, redeemed all over this house.

I’m not kidding when I say that it might make me feel better to hear your stories too.






  • Pat Meeks

    Stop by Axton on your way to Franklin County & you will feel a bit, no a lot better about un repaired items or things not where they need to be! I promise!

  • Becky Carnahan

    I might win: When Eli was born, Rick bought me a journal-type book called The Story of a Mother’s Life (or some such thing) to record events from my childhood and pre-children life as a record for our boys. Eli will be 23 in 2 months. It still sits on the bottom shelf of my nightstand – without a single entry. Then there are things that have been in boxes since our first move with toddlers. And the boxes of financial records that should be in files in case we’re ever audited, but stay there so long that they can be shredded as the statute of limitations has expired before they ever find a home in the filing cabinet. My list goes on, too.

    • laceykeigley

      That record for the baby now a grown up!

      It’s comical because don’t we all have those – literal testaments to good intentions?

  • Karen Hubbard

    I bought numbers for the front of our house (to let USPS and UPS and Fedex and, yesterday, DSL know where to find me) TEN YEARS AGO. Yep, 2008. The numbers are not on the front of our house. They are somewhere inside the house, and I can find them for anyone who is willing to put them up.

  • Sara

    Mending in a bag that sits around for months until I often just throw it out. (I am ashamed of that.)

    A craft cupboard that remains “open at your own risk”

    School planning–we continue to just keep doing stuff with very little planning, making me feel every morning unprepared

    3, yes THREE, missed appointments with one provider because…I’m old? Early onset Alzheimer’s? I’m an idiot?!?

    And on and on and on….

    My head refrain for the past several months has been: Never enough; I just can’t stretch enough for all the needs around me.

    La Crae (for Jaelyn’s sake!) sings: (I’m) focused on the wrong stuff….God is enough. God is enough. For me.

    And I’m attempting to rewrite the mantra I hear in my head.

    • laceykeigley

      I need to rewrite that head mantra too.

      Because it’s on repeat in my head too. Let’s do better than that. Replace it with “nothing to prove”. We have nothing to prove to this endless refrain in our head of Never Enough. We have just what and where we are supposed to be and have for that day.