Field Trip,  HomeSchooling,  Keiglets

sunshine & apples


And some days are just so full of sunshine.

Isn’t that the way it is – the rise and the fall and all the in between?

Yesterday my dad breezed in the way my dad does.

And – in a more planned but no less exciting manner – a sweet family friend joined us last night for a few days of good times and regular times.


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Today some really fun things happened:

The weather was on point perfect.

Some of the kids wore light and unnecessary long sleeved shirts.  I wore both leggings AND a sleeveless shirt.  (I heart the mild October ways here in the south.  My favorite combinations of clothing are the skirts and long sleeves.  The jeans and tank tops.  The summer and the winter sitting side by side.  And the boots.  Definitely the boots.  Talk all you want about pumpkin spice this and pumpkin spice that.  You can have your pumpkin flavored everything, just line up the boots for me.)


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We picked apples at our favorite apple orchard.  I know there are crowds now at this orchard.  I know everyone thinks of it as “their” orchard.  I don’t mind.  I still love it so.  The views.  The apple picking.  The green grass.  The apple trees stretching on for acres and acres.


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Dad was able to share his apple knowledge with us as we picked and wandered and searched for the best apple – which, as Honeycrisp is all gone, I think we discovered Cameo is our new favorite.  With Blushing Gold a close third.  (I think Blushing Gold apples are just pretty – in name and in appearance.)


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The bamboo forest was as cool as it always is, year after year.  That place is just the neatest natural playground.  If I am able, if I own a home, I will be planting some bamboo of my own.


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We came home and got crazy in the kitchen.  Apple pie was baked — it was a success.  Homemade chicken noodle soup was conquered – and I loved it.  (Give me soup for every meal.  I don’t mind at all.)  Apple sauce was made.  Apple dip was consumed.  Apple euphoria was achieved.


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Today some really bummer things happened:

I had to use an outside toilet.  Like – not the outside as a toilet – which I sincerely would have preferred, but an outside toilet.  Those terrible inventions – the port-a-john or whatever you call them.  (What do you call them?)  They.  Are.  The.  Worst.

I left my favorite sunglasses behind in said disgusting blue box.  Yep.  I went back to find them.  They were definitely gone.  Forever.  Very very sad.

Renee attempted to create apple cider caramel.  That was not bad, of course.  At the beginning.  But then – well, then Renee and Piper ran out to the store and the cider/caramel was left on the stove.  Which I noticed.  After I smelled it becoming burnt cider/caramel.  Yes, you can weep with us.  It was a travesty.


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Today some really hilarious thing happened:

Dad bought a few dozen apple cider donuts at the orchard to share with our entire gang – he’s kind like that – and he placed them on the table at the apple stand and encouraged everyone to have a donut.  I think he said something like, “Be sure all of the kids get one.”  There were seven kids I think – not too many – right? – and all the kids quickly obeyed the suggestion to enjoy a warm apple cider donut.  Hand after hand reached in and grabbed a sugary donut.

And then.

Another little hand reached in.  A little girl’s hand.  Anxious and excited, grabbing and reaching for the last donut.  I looked at Amanda.  And Erica.  And Renee.

Nope.  Not a one of us knew who that kid was.

Just a kid wanting a donut and accepting donuts from a stranger I guess.

But hey – Dad was sure all the kids got a donut.  Even the kids that weren’t ours apparently.


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Today.  I’m counting it all as a beautiful day.

A day well spent brings happy sleep ….
-Da Vinci






  • Sara

    I was going to tell you the same about bamboo. It’s like Franklin County kudzu!

    What a beautiful day you described!

  • Lana


    A favorite pair of sunglasses once went swimming in a portajohn. There they stayed even though my toddler at the time daughter wanted me to get them back. 🙂

    We visited our middle son and his wife in Ohio over the weekend and went to the annual Potato Festival where our granddog was in the pet show and won 3rd place. On the way home we stopped in WV farm country and bought pumpkins from a wagon at the end of a farm driveway.

    • laceykeigley

      Ah yes – very sad to lose sunglasses. These actually were just hanging at the door so no swim for the, but still sad.

      Congrats on the dog shows win! That’s so fun! And what a beautiful weekend to make a drive!

  • Crystal

    Don’t do it! (Planting the bamboo) It’s so very invasive and will take over everything and wayyy to hard to get rid of. That’s our 2 cents after dealing with neighbor’s bamboo creeping into our yard back home and now again, same thing, here at our new home. Enjoy someone else’s! Miss those cider donuts!

    • laceykeigley

      I have heard that — but – can’t I contain it? 🙂

      Okay fine – we will just visit people with bamboo!