Field Trip,  Framily

less words, more pictures


Did you guys forget it was Friday too because I wasn’t on my space here publishing a Five Finds Friday post?


That’s fine.  Me neither.

It’s been a busy handful of days and my computer was here at my house – as was my dog and my friend Amy – but myself and my kids were not here.

We’ve been a lot of places, actually.

In the car.  At the farm.  At the beach.  In the car.  In the car.  (Mostly that was me – all the extra “in the car”s.)

There’s a lot to say and I’ll say it mostly later but it was an effort to arrange all the details to make this past weekend possible.  An effort for me and an effort for the other women I spent the weekend with ocean side and an effort for my sweet and generous framily to care for the kids.

Now at my house, in the aftermath, I do believe all of the effort was worthwhile – and I hope the other people in my life who sacrificed for this weekend also agree.  Despite the flat tire and the sickness on the front end and the back end of this trip and the rearranging of a few crucial details and the fact that it’s in the wee hours of the night now and I’m sitting up in the dark with Sick Child Number Two hoping and praying there isn’t Sick Child Numbers Three, Four and Five in my future.

I know I’ve been off the writing duty for several days here and I might just be suffering from a tad and a touch of ye old writer’s block (or, more accurately, ye old writer has no time) but I’m taking the simple way out for just one more day here, friends, if you don’t mind.  And I’ll share the bits and pieces of the weekend with a handful of photos.


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