Framily,  HomeLife

July Fourth Shenanigans


If you know me, you know that my favorite holiday is July Fourth.

It’s the family and it’s the food.  It’s the farm and the fun.  It’s being together and it’s tradition and it’s years stacked on years of celebrating a summer day and lives and family and friends.

July Fourth on the Farm is the best.

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It was Ryder’s first July Fourth.  That dog legitimately loves the farm.  (And spends his days racing to the pond and collecting briars in his thick coat and harboring dirt and mud all over his legs and just in general being a happy go lucky mess.

The food is plentiful at the farm —

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Although the bandwidth is not.

(It is pretty much impossible to get a cell signal.  Sometimes the signal is strong on the porch when the wind blows and the jackalopes appear and a rainbow fills the sky and Piper’s pet unicorn is eating lunch.)

But who needs the internets when you’ve got all this other stuff?

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One Comment

  • Theresa

    I know exactly what you mean about the cells service. We aren’t far from where you are, I believe. We’re in Woolwine, VA this week! ????????