Otto Fox Wilder,  Product Review

Five Finds Friday (29) (the dress everyone should own & why my car is destined to be dirty)

I think I missed one of these posts because – well – I was doing cool things and my computer was far away from me.

But now my computer is all right here and so am I so I guess I can resume my Friday posts.


I wouldn’t say one of my strengths is having a tidy car.  (My dad wouldn’t say one of my strengths is keeping my car’s gas tank full.)  We’d both be right.

Anyway.  The kids were at Jo’s house and I was at the gas station filling up my tank with the stuff.  I looked in the car that had just seen some heavy duty road trip time and I thought, “I have an extra ten minutes,  I should be one of those grown ups and vacuum out my car.”

I scrounged up six quarters and parked by the vacuum cleaner.

I took out all of the trash.  Goodbye Chick-fil-a bag.  Goodbye one weird dirty sock.  Goodbye almost melted chocolate honey mint from Trader Joe’s.  Where were you when I needed you in Oklahoma?  Goodbye broken pencil and Ozarkland receipt.

You guys, I even removed the floorboard mats and cleaned those too.

I’m awesome.

Halfway through, the vacuum’s power faded and I couldn’t find six more quarters.  Suddenly I noticed that this vacuum allowed you to use your credit card.  Odd.  But cool.  I located my credit card and grabbed a few more handfuls of random trash and went toward the vacuum.

My hands were empty.

What on earth happened to my credit card?  In the past thirty seconds?

Like – really.  Where did it go?  I searched the car.  Its very clean self made it painfully easy to see that my card was not in my car.  The trash can I stuffed my refuse in had only a tiny opening and I shoved my face right up to it and even put my hand down in there (yuck!) but no credit card appeared.

I immediately called the credit card company because I’ve had such bad luck with people using my credit card numbers in the past for fraudulent activity that I just didn’t want to take any risks.  I felt certain Billy Bob Rogers would pull up his Prius to the vacuum station right after me and find my little card and go on a Spinx buying spree — All the Skittles.  All the Dr. Pepper.

The first question the lady on the phone asks is “Can you please tell me the number on your lost credit card?”


It serves me right.

I should never have thought I could be one of those people whose car stays tidy.


This dress is at Target right now.

It’s only $20 and it’s super duper comfortable and it comes in a wide variety of colors.

I own one and hannaH owns one and Emma owns one.

In fact, it’s so comfy that I might be wearing it right now as I head to bed.  It isn’t really a pajama dress.  It’s just — I’m kind of lazy at night.


At the ranch (I like saying that) we all fell in love with their Sweet Georgia Peach drink.

I’m going to try to conquer our own version of the beverage soon, but until that time comes …

When we were in Chattanooga we bought this can of tea at our KOA campstore there.

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I’ve never seen it before or since, but it tasted enough like our Sweet Georgia Peach that we want to find it again.


We love our house.  But it isn’t “ours” you know and our time is drawing to a rapid end when it will no longer even be “ours” in renter’s terms.

Buying a house, moving, making gigantic decisions along those lines is scary and unknown.

This week we saw a house that the kids and I thought was maybe perfect.  Full of little wishes and prayers we hope God gives us in our next home.

I think I was ready to tackle it.

And then – because of my wise dad’s probing questions and a discerning friend – we realized that for several reasons (and one large one) that this particular purchase would not be good for our family.

God has been steadily faithful to place people and obstacles exactly in our path to keep us from making a poor decision and I although I am disappointed that the cute driveway house won’t be ours, I am grateful for people who direct and guide and stand in the gap for us as we twist and turn on this journey.


I love that Otto watches and knows me.

It’s just sweet.

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(Isn’t that face just TOO full of adorable?  Those little lips and those eyes?)

We were at church and my friend was singing on stage.

Apparently I wear one specific pair of Noonday earrings a lot (because they’re fantastic!) and my seven year old noticed.

Amy was up on stage with those same earrings on and Otto whispers to me loudly, “Mommy.  She is wearing your earrings.”



  • Lana

    We are looking for the perfect downsize house. Our prayer is that He lead us to who we need to minister to and possibly someone who can disciple us. We put in an offer on a house on Saturday, an offer more than the asking price and we were outbid. We are thankful that God showed us. I also pray that God would allow this house to be the home to a family with kids who will love it and our woods like our kids did. That said we have the perfect house for a bunch of cool kids to grow up in but we are in Spartanburg County. I hope you find the place where God would have you to be soon but I know He is able. And He is able for us, too.

    Unfortunately I do have me credit card number memorized. Hey, online shopping.

    • laceykeigley

      Oh Goodness. What interesting timing.

      I WISH your perfect for kids with woods house was on our side of the highway. We dream of finding a family wanting to downsize. 🙂

      I didn’t know you guys were selling and buying so I will begin praying for that for you guys too. We seem to be in lots of boats together at times – don’t we?

      And – for online shopping – it’s even worse because my computer knows my numbers, but I don’t. 🙂 (I’ve never been great memorizing numbers though.)

      • Lana

        Praying for the perfect place for your family, too! It’s rough out there in the real estate world right now! Seems the only way to buy a house is to over bid the price and even then it may not be enough if there are multiple contracts on the same day. To us it seems unethical!

        • laceykeigley

          You know — would you send me a link to your perfect house? I’d love to see it. Maybe I should consider that neck of the woods. 🙂

          You can use my email address —

          Thanks so much!

  • Sandy

    You mean you don’t memorize you credit card numbers so you know what they are when you lose them?!? Me neither????

  • Melinda Long

    So proud of you for attempting to clean your car. You can clean mine any time because I don’t think it’s happening in the near future. Good luck with the card!

    • laceykeigley

      Ha! Maybe I’ll start a car cleaning service for people like us.

      I won’t do that.

  • Rebekah Bishop

    My husband and I looked for a house to buy for 7 years, making offers on at least 100 houses…each one had some major issue (we were looking for repo houses so we could make it our own). We went from the Clemson area, up into North Carolina and back to Simpsonville (we were one day from closing when my husband was laid off) and finally resting in Taylors. I know that whole concept of God putting road blocks in your way for your own benefit. After we finally found this house, we were so very thankful that we didn’t get any of the others. This was the right place at the right time. God will give you yours too!