
Five Finds Friday (23) (weddings & grandpa & big feet)


I am certain that I declare this far too often.


Here I go again.

I think my kids are genuinely funny people.

This week we wrapped up our science chapter about Uranus and Neptune.  (It was a very short chapter because, who actually cares about these planets?)

The science book suggested that the kids create a mini play about the two young siblings who first discovered Uranus.  The kids immediately asked, “Can we do a video instead?”

I mean, I was probably not even going to require the completion of the book’s suggestion as it would be the shortest play ever.

But I said yes to the video, because – why not?



Yeah, totally just using this as an excuse to put up a picture of my favorite kids looking dapper for another wedding last weekend.

IMG_3185 2

And.  Can we all just collectively share together a moment of silence over the fact that two of my daughters can now wear the same shoe size that I wear?


It was only about a month late, but we recently celebrated Riley’s birthday family dinner with a menu of her choosing, as per the long standing Keigley tradition.

I forgot to take any pictures.

Thankfully Riley did not choose cereal, as some Keiglets are wont to do.

She chose chicken enchiladas.

These chicken enchiladas.

Photo by food.com
Photo by food.com

Man.  They were tasty.


I was a little nervous when my April calendar revealed two weddings on two back to back weekends.

I haven’t attended a wedding since the weekend my own marriage suffered a fatal blow more than a year ago.

But I love the four people promising their choice of faithful commitment to one solitary human (until death does them part) and I didn’t want my personal inner dialogue and turmoil to keep me from celebrating what is still truly beautiful and holy – the marriage covenant and the vows and the people holding out hope and faith in a pair of flawed humans.

So we all took showers and dressed up (and I dreamed of how pleasant two showers would be in a home with six bodies) and we attended two weddings in two weekends.

And you know what?  I was not overwhelmed with self pity and I did not desire to drown my sorrows in the open bar at one wedding nor the miniature adorable tiny waffle kabobs at the other.

God is generous like that, you know?

He gave me the grace to watch first the one wedding and to see a fellow special to our family give his heart and his honor to his bride.  To have known this man through a lot of hard walking and genuine soul searching and truth seeking reminded me of God’s patient calling of us to Himself.  It was a happy exuberant occasion and I laughed and hugged old friends and ate mashed potatoes (there was a mashed potato bar!) and was so grateful to be a small thread in the fabric of their lives.

And the second weekend I was charmed right down to happy tears as both a grandfather and a father lovingly and sweetly performed the ceremony for two folks who really shine a vibrant kind of light out of their faces and onto their family and friends.

Sacraments don’t stop being holy just because they’ve been smashed in your own life.


All the feels this week go out to my Dad.

My dad who swoops in spontaneously when he has opportunity.  My dad who tires more easily than he would care to admit.  My dad who teaches my boys how to put on a new toilet seat when the upstairs one has been broken for weeks (or maybe months).  My dad who gives weed eaters as birthday gifts to eleven year old boys and empowers the fella do take pride in a job well done.  My dad who shows the boys how to get down to business and get work done, son.



  • Chelsea

    The video cracked me up.

    Every time I see your girls I am stunned by their growth. Ladies, they are becoming. Beautiful ladies.

    What a great Grandpa they have! Living and leaving a legacy and training the children (and reminding you) what a real man looks like. He works hard. He takes pride in serving and caring for his family’s needs. ❤️

    • laceykeigley

      I am constantly stunned by their growth too!

      And yes, they do have a great grandpa! And I am grateful for those reminders.