
Five Finds Friday (sixteen)

Well.  This Friday came faster than others now, didn’t it?



Sometimes we just can’t help ourselves – the kids and I.

We get started watching old Tripp & Tyler videos and we just keep clicking and clicking.

I don’t know how we missed this one, but the Truth or Dare episode is hilarious.

I want to play this version now – I’m looking at you Abby.  I’m looking at you.


Before I ever met Sean Penn I made friends with a sling back purse.


The newest version from Patagonia is updated with some different zippers, but it’s still basically the same bag.

I think mine is going on six years old and I still use it as regularly as I ever did.  It’s so very convenient and multi-purpose and hides dirt and hauls stuff so well.


I ran out of strawberry jam early this year guys.

(Don’t worry – I won’t be making that same mistake two years in a row.)

In my desperation until strawberry season advances fully upon us here, I tried my hand at making grape jam from the delicious organic grape juice from (you guessed it) Trader Joe’s.



I’m not generally a grape jam kind of gal.

But goodness gracious — I am now.

Easy peasy and wonderful.


Directions found on the classic yellow Sure Jell box.

(All you need is grape juice and sugar.  Oh, the sugar.  But who cares?  It’s worth it!)


The way the Obadiah series at church for the past three weeks has lined up with my life.

The way I see my friends choose hope in hard situations.


This website walks you through what your struggling student might be experiencing when math is tricky or reading isn’t speedy or writing doesn’t flow for them like it might for other kids.

You can type in the grade of your child and the subject matter in which they struggle and you watch a video with a kid explaining how they feel as they wade through the rigors of elementary education.  You can experience a small virtual sampling of what a learning difficulty can feel like.

It was both encouraging and enlightening.  It was also heart breaking and revealing.

The one with the little girl named Lucy really got me.  (I think her video is on the writing example.)