God's Pursuit of Me,  HomeLife,  Story

practice. (unwelcome though it is)

Of course at the very instant that you choose a word, the worlds are going to collide and the earth is going to tremble and you’re going to get a chance to immediately test out your shiny new resolve.

Did you really mean what you said?

Were those just pretty words all lined up in a tidy row?

Maybe I will start tomorrow.  

Today is just too hard.


Let me have life just toss you a couple of curve balls and a few packaged disappointments and a frustrating situation and a hopeless feeling afternoon and some lunch bag left to spoil in the back of your car and a “no” answer when you were counting on a “yes”.

There you go, buddy.

Have at it.

Feeling that word right about now?

Good Grief Charlie Brown and For the Love of Pickled Beets, I’m pretty sure my fingers had not even stopped typing my post about rest while my world was offering up opportunities to worry, to run around, to plan, to stress, to fix and to get plain old frantic about.

Plus – adding to it less opportunities to go to sleep on time.  More mini projects that are easier to complete after the kids are asleep.  More thoughts of “I’ll just find time to finish this one more thing before bed” and “Surely – one more chapter won’t make a difference tonight”.  Plus insomnia in the form of worry about future trouble and present decisions.

Hello Day One of Rest.

Why did I choose you again?


  • Ticcoa

    I so get this–this smacking in the face by your word. Within hours of publishing the blog post that declared my word, it literally became unbound. I’ve never had so many views, likes, comments, shares on a post–and mostly from strangers.

    Knowing people are actually reading my words is SCARY. Do I really write stuff that’s worth hearing? Relevant? The struggle to believe I do is so very real. But people keep telling my to write, write, write. I have a fire within me to write, write, write. And so–I write.

    And keep walking toward “unbound”–as much as it terrifies me.

    (Also–this is so delayed, but we should chat about Allume sometime. I had no idea it was in Greenville until the day before and I’d been chatting with a literary agent from Texas who attended. Sheesh. My little world has exploded with possibility the last four months!)

    • laceykeigley

      Yes – we can talk about it! (Attend it together next year – it would be WAY better with a friend!)

      And yes – your words are worth writing. Always always worth writing — for an audience of ten thousand or an audience of one.
      Always always write.

      There is this quote I love that I am going to mess up here but it says something about how I write so that I can know what I actually think and I say – yes, that’s me too.

  • Chelsea

    Perhaps life is making your new word resolve difficult. That’s life. On the other hand, how gracious of God to put that word in your head and start settling it in your heart right before He knew another storm (or set of storms) would hit. Because I’m sure your perspective in facing the day was altered by His implanting of that word. And maybe that’s exactly the perspective you needed in order to glorify Him most right now. ‘God’s got this stuff. My job is to rest in Him and His plan.’
    I like you, so mainly because of you I am considering this one word stuff. I don’t know yet, but I’m thinking on it. ?

  • Sara

    My tongue in cheek comment:
    Good news! This is Leap Year. You have an extra day to learn Rest.

    Sorry. Couldn’t resist.

    My real comment:
    You choose Rest because it’s hard. Because you do hard. Because you long to have the “mind of Christ” and struggle ever towards Him.
    You are God’s girl, loved and cherished. Rest. Rest in that.