God's Pursuit of Me,  HomeLife

songs and sundays

Sunday we sang lyrics that found tears streaking down my face.

(Which isn’t entirely unusual, of course.)

You’re my one defense,

my righteousness.

O Lord – how I need you.

And I was reminded as the pastor prayed  –

Jesus IS the plan.

Like – he’s not the back up plan.

In fact, I guess I don’t have a back up plan.

Which is saying a lot from a girl who always had a Master Plan and a Short List and a Long List.  And a Daily List and a Notebook To Keep All The Lists.

So.  Many.  Plans.

And now.

Now, I do not.

I do not have plans.

And that leaves me with some nothing and some broken and some shards and some shame and some regret and a lot of junk that’s rotten and dead and it’s all in my lap and in my house.

I prefer a plan.

You know, as I type this, I realize that my wording is just wrong.

I’m saying – I DO have a plan.

I do.

But my plan isn’t me any longer.  It isn’t my thoughts or my hopes or my dreams or my this or my that.

My plan is – Jesus.

The beginning and the end of all my planning.


  • Caitlyn

    Wow I cannot tell you how encouraging this was. It has brought me much hope and simple clarification to my life. Life is simple if we wake up and go to bed with that thought….Jesus’ plan and not mine. Miss you dear friend. 🙂

    • laceykeigley

      I’m not at all certain they have a wise or brave mother, but I appreciate your words nonetheless.

  • Sara

    Oh. Amen and amen.

    Sometimes I wonder-what makes certain people friends? Why do some of us just connect? Pretty sure our mutual love for lists and planning (i.e.: desire for control) connect us, friend.
    But-thanks to our God-He connects us closer.
    And He has spent much energy showing each of us that our measly lists and plans are under His control alone.
    I’m grateful, so very grateful, for your friendship! Can’t wait to see you!