Bergen Hawkeye,  HomeLife,  Otto Fox Wilder

here I am, son.

They sit on me.

Lean against me.

Wiggling.  Twitching.  Tapping.

Head lolled against my shoulder.

My boys.

Some days I am struck by their vastly increased hands-on neediness.

My sons are much touchier than my girls.

They need me differently.

Some days (all days) I am convinced that my ten year old would literally crawl into my skin and take up permanent residence if he was given the option.

A steady question on his lips – “Where are you?  What are you doing?  Will you be here when I come back?”

Listen to me, son.

I’ll be here. 

Lean your head back on my shoulder.

I’m not going anywhere.


  • Beckey

    My boys were like that during Dan’s many deployments, and other times. It can be a lot to shoulder, not wanting to let them down…needing them to trust you, because you weren’t the one who left and NEVER will.
    The fact is there is now a very real sense that someone they love may let them down and may be selfish putting himself/herself above the kids or you. It is reality. Not the pretty side but a side each one of us has to learn.
    Lucky for your sweet kiddos they have you to help them through the lesson.

  • Lana

    Boys are always a part of you in a different way than girls. Mine are 25, 26 and 35 and they are still so Mommy needy sometimes. I see my 50 year old brother that way with my Mom , too. You will always have them close to your heart even when they have wives. It is comfort because so often they seem to belong to their in laws, but not really.

  • Sara

    Your continued example of faithfulness will settle and stablish your boys. I believe this.
    They hear you say with David: I have chosen the way of faithfulness, I set Thy ordinances before me. (Ps 119:30)

    What a blessing you are to them: The Father’s faithfulness made flesh for them. (And yes, I know you don’t always feel it or get it right. It’s ok. That’s God’s job.)

    Keep planting seeds. Let God be in charge of results.
    Love. Love.