HomeLife,  Otto Fox Wilder

Oh Otto – you are such a boy.

It’s those sturdy legs.

Calf muscles bulging.

I like hiking behind my Wilde Otto Fox.

He walks with a legitimate swagger and he is only five years old.

Yes, yes.  Of course I am partial to this kid.  That’s what we mothers do.  It’s how the world is supposed to work.  You pick your children and you like them best.  It’s like – the law of mothering or something.

But I really do think Otto Fox is a kind of swell kid.  He’s at the age where he is extra funny.

His inflection combined with his enunciations combined with the sweet tone of his voice at this stage and suddenly what he says is almost always irresistible.

I collect his words, naturally.

Pile them up in notebooks and jot them down on napkins and iPhones and wrists.

Recently it’s a lot of talk about the body.  Not exactly potty humor but heavily leaning in that direction.

In a recent flurry of Monopoly playing that the kids have been enjoying, Otto has discovered the B&O Railroad.  Which cracks him up.  It also cracks him up that his first initial and his brother’s first initial combined equal B&O.  (Oy!)

When I ask him why that pairing of letters is so hilarious, he laughs and grins and says, as if I should already know, “Moooommma, it’s because it means body oderant.”

Yep.  Funny fellow.

There is always toilet talk at our house.  As in, literal talk of the toilet.

Whilst sitting upon said toilet, Otto ponders aloud for me.

“Mom.  Why do you think we even call this a toy-yet,” he asks.

(I am going to miss it when he can clearly pronounce all of his “l’s”.)

“I don’t know Otto,” I reply.

“Yeah,” he says.  “I mean – it’s not a toy and it’s not a yet!”

Upon the toilet is also where he has picked up his newest laugh producer.

“Hey Mom,” he likes to call.  “Can you come wipe my tushies till it shines?”

What?  I can’t even begin to think where this comes from.  Tushies?  Till it shines?

Who is this guy anyway?

And, my most recent favorite – also kind of potty related – see, there’s a theme ……

“Hey Mommy.  My underwear smells like cucumbers.”