
talk is cheap

The blog posting has been hit or miss for a week or two now.

Mostly miss.

Part of my silence of late is due to my lack of anything good to say.

My momma literally did tell me,

“If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”

(My goodness – the stack of instances in my life when heeding that advice would have served me well is ever heaping.)

I don’t have a lot of good things to say lately.

Nothing I feel like writing.

Scratch that.

Nothing I feel like sharing.


Not that either.

Nothing I think would be wise to share.

Plenty to write.

Nothing to publish.


every written word need not be published.

That’s right.

In this everything goes culture in which we find ourselves abiding

it is hard to remember

we do not have to share everything we think.

A Younger Me might call that cowardice or being afraid to lay it all out there.

A Forty-One-Year-Old Me calls it



  • Mary

    Good job…I wish I could remember this…
    Proverbs 12:18 The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

  • Rachel

    I have been thinking a lot about you. I read your post, a few back, about loss at the holidays. My grandmother, with whom I lived, died 24 years ago, when I was a sophomore in high school, on December 19. Christmas has *never* been the same. Even now, as I form my own family traditions and celebrate with my own little family, I ache to have her there with me, making chili and presiding over the festivities in her own quiet way.

    Plus, my mother (she was her mom) misses her every. single. day. As you well know.

    Another friend of mine lost her mother around age three. But she is fertile, and she said she can live with the loss of her mother, but she could never live with infertility. I live with infertility, and I dread the day I lose my mother. I mean, I know it is coming, sooner rather than later, and I know that by the grace of God I will survive. But… this isn’t comforting and I should stop, yes? But I think we all have these burdens we carry and need to share. So we can help each other carry them.

    And I can’t believe you’re going to be a mother-in-law!!! You are going to be such a wonderful one. I hope the wedding is/was peaceful and beautiful and calm and the launch of a lifetime of love and joy for your eldest daughter!!!

    Also, kudos for not saying everything you want. I’m still learning that lesson.

  • Sara

    Discretion-the better part of valor; the willingness to leave unsaid truths that become nagging when overly repeated.
    May God grant us wisdom to know when to speak truth and when to “be still and know that HE is God”
    Blessings and love.