God's Pursuit of Me

make my heart believe

Singing with hundreds of others

lined up in red-seated rows

on an early Sunday morning.

A song I’ve certainly heard before

but I’ve never listened like this.

In all my sorrows

Jesus is better.

Make my heart believe.

And I felt like it was the gospel for me

in three lines of music.

In all my victories

Jesus is better.

Make my heart believe.

There’s the knowledge –

the truth.

Jesus is better.

And then there’s the rub.

The struggle.

Make my heart believe.

I can know something

but I need reminding.

I can believe a truth

even while I’m questioning it.

I don’t know how this is possible.

I only know it to be true.

Take any comfort,

Jesus is better.

Make my heart believe.

In the big and in the little,

I think one thing about Jesus

and I act another.

Make my heart believe.


  • Sara

    Hi. I loved this post. I pray for you often. Let me know if there is a practical way I can help. We have had a hard few weeks and I needed the song you posted. Make my heart believe… Even when I was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor for leaving jasmine in the car while I went in a store. Praise God CPS has decided that it was unfounded since we and her doctor and therapists agree that she is competent to stay alone for short periods of time. I was frozen in fear for several days but God does provide grace for the moment. Dss did move our little foster boys though. We are grieving. Pray for us too. I love you. I have been holding onto the classic hymn: Be still my soul. Sara

    • laceykeigley

      Oh my word.
      I cannot even believe you received a charge.
      That makes me so many kinds of angry. I am so sorry about the boys. That hurts my heart.
      I will continue to pray for you guys – your family is still so dear to me.
      I love you !

  • Lana

    Where I get into trouble with such a thing is wanting it to be emotional when belief to me is where the rubber hits the road. It is the ex-con that we took home for the night because she was considering suicide. It is loving those at the homeless shelter and making banana pudding for them every month for seven years. It is serving our families with mundane tasks that are repeated so many thousand times that we wonder if we even have any worth anymore. It is loving our husbands when perhaps they do not deserve it at all. It is seeing His faithfulness to us year after year and how He meets needs that we did not even know we had. I had trouble with it too until I sat under the teaching of our pastor who is so practical and gifted at making these things real and showing us that we are able and good. Hugs.

    • Lana

      And it is also still believing when 2 of your 5 children turn their backs and walk away from Him as young adults. That is when I really knew that I believed.

    • laceykeigley

      You are so kind to always leave such encouraging thoughts. Thank you.

      I agree with the idea that belief is “the rubber meeting the road”.
      Those actions – the billions of tiny ones – really do make up a life.
      And it is that service – in those billion tiny ways – that makes a life well lived.

  • karen

    this song. it gets me every single time. i love your words. and i love your heart. mine echoes.

    you’ve been much on my mind/heart lately. you’re right, Jesus is better. many prayers, much love.