Field Trip,  Mosely Ella Claiborne,  Prairie Primer Year

Prairie Adventure: Walnut Grove’s Laura Ingalls Wilder Days

For several Saturdays each summer the small town of Walnut Grove, Minnesota hosts their annual Laura Ingalls Wilder Days.

The town’s park is filled with tents and prairie exhibits and traditional pioneer food like cotton candy and funnel cakes.

The girls made corn husk dolls.

We were again so fortunate that the weather, while warm, was not the usual summer time stifling heat.

All of the kids loved the craft station where they were able to hammer designs into leather and create necklaces or ornaments.

The festival lasted most of the day but we were more than satisfied to wrap up our experience after an hour or so.

One station included giant galvanized tubs filled with corn. Inside the corn was a wealth of tiny treasures the kids were challenged to locate.

The real reason we made certain to be in Walnut Grove during Laura Days was not the park full of pioneer crafts.

It was to participate in the Laura Look Alike Contest.

Our little Laura Look Alike was all decked out in her prairie clothes – the same dress my mom had purchased handmade for Riley to enter the same contest.

Mosely looked just so sweet in her prairie garb.

She joined about twenty other little Lauras and took her turn on “stage” – answering questions about herself and about Laura Ingalls. I was so proud of this cute kid for being bold and speaking clearly and politely and knowing her Laura facts so well.

We all sat in the audience as her enthusiastic fan club.

After a short deliberation, the judges chose five Lauras for the next round.

Our little number 23 was called out for the final round. I just loved how bright her brown eyes grew when they called her number for a chance to go to the next level.

The girls were all given a short scene and an acting partner to practice with.

Mosely’s partner was the young girl
who was performing as Mary Ingalls that evening in the town’s pageant.

Mosely did a great job acting out a scene from On the Banks of Plum Creek.

In the end, another adorable little Laura from Ontario won the title.

Mosely took the whole experience like a champ – completely satisfied with her opportunity and her certificate and her little Laura cookie cutter.