Field Trip,  Prairie Primer Year

Prairie Adventure: Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum in Pepin and Stockholm


I’m a little sleepy tonight and I think there’s a giant rock under my sleeping bag but the kids ditched the comfy hammocks this evening and I felt obligated to sleep near them in the tent per their kind requests so I’m keeping this post brief.

In Pepin there was a small museum dedicated to our girl Laura.

It was low cost and if you’re in the area you might as well stop in.

It’s a quick stroll through but there a few simple treasures to be seen.

Primarily the museum holds replicas and general same era style findings. There was a sweet dress on display actually worn by Mary and Laura’s teacher.

It was neat to see a trundle bed like Carrie’s and twisted hay like Pa and Laura spent creating during The Long Winter.


We visited Lake Pepin and even spent a few hours fishing in the lake where Laura stood on the shore and gathered so many pebbles her dress pockets burst.

We also spent some more time at the Mississippi River edge.

Otto gathered rocks.



And Piper Finn accidentally tossed her brand new mood ring into the mighty river as she was skipping rocks.

Kevin got to be the superstar dad as he managed somehow to locate the tiny treasure in the giant river and fish it out for his anxious daughter.

On our way out of town we passed through Stockholm, Wisconsin – population 66.

If we had known this charming tiny town was only five miles down the road, we would have definitely camped there instead.

We did not know, however, so we satisfied ourselves with visiting the Stockholm Pie Company and partaking in a second breakfast of pie.

The choices were many. The slices were $5.

We shared a few slices between us all and decided that yes – the pies were indeed $5 a slice good.

And you know what?

Right about now I’m wishing I was consuming a $5 slice of double lemon pie or peanut butter fudge pie or triple chocolate pecan pie instead of lying on this root or rock or whatever it is.


  • alli

    the colors in these pictures are so vivid! i can only imagine how sad little Piper would have been – her dream come true lost in just a day! what wonderful memories you are making – even while sleeping on a rock:)