
Five Minute Friday: Encouragement

I’ve been enjoying the assignment-ness of Five Minute Fridays.

It’s like a tiny taste of school for this grown up who actually enjoyed high school.

A one word topic is given by fellow writer Lisa-Jo Baker and the challenge is to write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.

And the other flip of the coin is to encourage other people to join in.

I really think you should try it.

Even if it’s only to remind yourself how difficult it can be to write for a mere five minutes.  (Especially us mothers who say to our children when they complain of their school work, “Oh – it’s no big deal.  You can write about that.  Come on!”)

If you don’t have a blog you can leave your five minute ramble right here in the comments.

Try it!

Today the word on the chalkboard is encouragement.



Four friends.

Baskets of fries, tater tots, grown up drinks, a spacious booth in a publick house downtown.

Before I left the house that night I thought about staying home.

Bailing out.

Because I was tired. Because I like my safe and comfortable home. Because my clothes have been looking funny lately.

But in the booth, listening and laughing and swapping stories of the week’s highs and lows, I felt exactly what I needed. Encouraged. Normal. Loved. Challenged.

The way only a group of women who have known you and will keep knowing you can do.


Neither fancy nor profound.

Not preplanned nor tidy nor rehearsed.

Served with grace and laughter and unity.


  • Chelsea

    I wanted to tell you (and the other ladies) that I so enjoyed my brief visit to your school. :o) I thought about it multiple times over the next few days and it just made me happy. Happy to observe such good, comfortable friendships. Happy for the camaraderie and counsel you share. Happy for the history that you've built. It's so good and I know it's a blessing to each of you in different ways. So I know that's random, but I'm glad you decided not to bail, and I'm glad y'all have each other. Community. :o)

    • lacey35

      Thank you Chelsea. Community has been such a sweet and unexpected gift to me over the last several years. Divine. 🙂

  • ally bean

    I love your thoughts here. I agree with you that encouragement is best coming from those who serve it with "grace and laughter and unity." Amen.

    [I'm here via Five Minute Friday. This is kinda fun, isn't it?]

  • Tresta

    This is awesome, and a beautiful picture of encouragement. Someone blessed you to be able to go, the other women were blessed by your coming, and I'll bet no one thought about your funny clothes. I love that you pushed aside the excuses and went and received encouragement. Glad to visit here today!