HomeSchooling,  Prairie Primer Year

Prairie Primer: Owl Pellets

Here’s what I like so far about The Prairie Primer..

The author’s extensive research and well thought out specific plans make my life easier.

In three days of school I’ve been more productive and on track than a week or two of last year’s schedule I think.

(Some of that may be because it’s the first week and because I love Laura Ingalls and because I have “bigger” kids this year.)


I like it.

Today my guide said to dissect owl pellets.

And so we dissected owl pellets.

Science in action.

I ordered mine from Acorn Naturalists.

They were surprisingly more disgusting than I remembered from the last go round.

We all picked away with our tiny tools at the rodent hair all gummed together, gathering miniature bones and itty bitty skulls and ridiculously small teeth still attached to only slightly larger jaw bones.

Yes.  I said it was disgusting.

It was comical to hear the reaction of each of the kids.

all together now.

London was squeamish and vocal about it until she started finding some good morsels.  At which she was still a little grossed out but also pretty interested.

Hawkeye was our weak stomach.  He was into it until he looked at me with sudden surprise and said, “Um.  I may have to step away.  I think I’m about to throw up.”

Mosely didn’t speak much but she stayed the longest.  After we all ditched our piles of hair and bones and teeth, she stayed on the porch, digging through the piles and sorting the goods.

Otto, more than anyone else, reveled in the task.

The kid was downright giddy.

He continually kept announcing, “Hey! I am the master at finding bones!”  (Only, it sounded more like this –  “Hey! I yam ha matter ah hinding hones!”)

The Master.  You're looking at him.  The Master of Finding Bones.