Bergen Hawkeye,  HomeSchooling


This boy.


He just has my heart.

He starts third grade next week and that just is too old to be true. Too fast.

He still wants me to cuddle in bed at night.

He creates games with his little brother and isn’t embarrassed to hold Otto’s hand and tell me how cute Otto looks.

Inspired by his big sister, he made his first attempt at a Lord of the Rings inspired dish.

Lembas bread.

It was really good.

And this week he asked me if it would be okay if he painted something.

I said yes.

He asked me to not watch what he was painting. He said it was a surprise for me.

Eventually it was completed and he showed me.

It reads —

“Nature is harsh.
Natures is sweet.
I cannot tell the rest.”

I asked him if he made that up.

He answered, “It was just in my head. I had to get it out.”

I rearranged some decor and gave my son’s art a prominent spot on the kitchen wall.