Keiglets,  Otto Fox Wilder,  Piper Finn Willow

Piper Finn Saves the Day

I hope I never stop thinking these Keiglets are funny.

(I hope they never stop being funny.  The pressure’s actually on them, not me.  Right?)

Otto is a collector.  (A hoarder if you must.)

And he likes little things.

Lately he is obsessed with our friend Torrye’s hair clip.

It’s an unusual looking black clip that opens and closes in a way that reminds Otto of a spider.

He thinks it’s awesome.

Luckily Torrye thinks Otto is awesome and she has kindly given him full possession of said clip.

Of course he sleeps with it.

It traps his cars and his fingers and other people’s fingers and his stuffed animals.

And last night, he misplaced the clip.

“The hip,” he calls it, heavily enunciating the “p” at the end.  “Tuh-eee’s hip”  (That’s its official name.  “Torrye’s clip.”)

It’s a tricky one to find and as he sighed and heaved his three year old self around in sadness I felt little hope I would be locating that “hip” anytime soon.

Enter Piper Finnian, apparent Super Sister.

She jumped up.  “I know right precisely where it is,” she declared.   (Yes, she said “precisely”.  It’s a favorite new word.)

And than began to sing her own theme music.

[Sung to the tune of the Sunday School kid’s song “Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah”.]

She chanted, over and over, as she left the room and re-entered triumphantly, “Saving the day, hallelujah.  Saving the day, hallelujah!”

Sure enough, amid a bag stuffed full of borrowed treasures, out rolled the infamous hip.

Otto rejoiced.

Piper waltzed out of the kitchen singing “Saving the day, hallelujah” and I was left with a kitchen floor piled high with hoarded remnants.