God's Pursuit of Me

this morning’s struggle.

Have you ever just woken up under?

Feeling somehow less than ready?

Not just for what the day demands,

but for what lifeĀ demands?

For me, that’s today.

That’s this morning.

A combination of bad mojo stacked against me.

A coughing, weird-breathing London crawled into bed beside me and I was still wide awake at one o’clock in the morning, sleeping on about six inches of bed and having to fight to recover my share of the blankets.

Already dressed in my running gear, I had to bail out on my 6 a.m. running date with my group because I knew my fatigue was too great .

Crawled back into my ever-shrinking side of the bed.

What sleep remained was riddled with unpleasant dreams.

And I know today will be a battle.

To maintain focus.

To not allow myself to be swallowed by three hungry monsters sitting on my steps –

the comparison of my life to anyone else’s

the weight of what has been

the fear of what could be

That’s my war front today.

And I am ill-prepared for victory.


  • Rachel

    Dear God,

    Please be with Lacey today. Give her victory or let her redefine what victory looks like today. Heap upon her Your love, mercy, grace, patience and strength so she can be the wife, mother and woman you have called her to be. Help her be present in every moment and to focus on You and Your calling on her day and not anything else. Banish the desires to compare, to complain, to be afraid. Give her a glorious day, God, and redeem these feelings she is fighting!!
