
an excuse. or an explanation. a disclaimer, if you prefer.

Since we have moved I have had a more difficult time regularly maintaining my blog.

First it was the lack of internet.

That makes sense.

But lately it’s been something else.

I typically write my posts late in the evening.  Post-children’s bedtimes.  While Kevin is watching some end-of-the-day show that I can no longer tolerate.  (Mythbusters, Naked Archeaoligist, Antiques Road Show, any program aired on the Science channel, any program narrated by Morgan Freeman.)

Occassionally I write my posts early in  the morning.  Pre-children’s wake up times.

And those times have always both worked out splendidly.

Until this house.

Because both of those times have something in common at our new humble abode.

Late evening.  Early morning.

It’s cold.

Seriously cold.

Fingers numb inside my beautiful Hannah-made fingerless mitten/arm warmer things.

Cold makes me type slower.   Mittens make me type clumsily.  Lower temperatures make my brain sluggish.

Instead of working hard for witty word combinations, I just want to type any old thing and press “publish”.

I hauled our small space heater in here tonight and that’s helping a little.

I take breaks and press my hands to the metal coils until I feel the slow burning sensation.

Then I type a few more words.

This is the price I’m willing to pay, guys.  This is the price I’m willing to pay.


  • Kristen Lavinder

    This may sound unattractive, but it works! We have hung thick quilts over the windows and it helps a lot! Also, close the heat vents in the rooms you don't use over night so that the heat goes mainly into the bedrooms, bathroom, and living room. You can also hang "curtains" up in between rooms you close off vents in to keep heat from spreading. You can also make a rice sack, or whatever it is called. My mom makes them and they are wonderful on cold nights! Here is a link. http://bevcooks.com/2011/12/diy-rice-sack-heating…. Hope this all helps!

  • Marie from Germany

    Lacey! That does not sound like typing is a pleasure to you these days! Have you tried to cuddle up in a soft and warm blanket? Or typing in the morning in bed – a hot beverage on the side?


    • LaceyKeigley

      Thanks Marie!

      I have tried bed but it's not a laptop so a desktop is pretty impossible. I would love to sit in bed though. Hmm. An excuse to buy a laptop -right?? 🙂

    • LaceyKeigley

      1. Heat pump. It works fine but the house is so drafty that the bill is extraordinary so this month we are experimenting with heat temperatures to see what we can handle.
      2. We moved because we used to live at a camp where Kevin worked. He no longer works at camp and it was camp housing – so, thus, a move.
      3. I will keep blogging! No fear! I just to like to whine sometimes. 🙂
      4. And – I do really love this old farmhouse.