
I gave in. It was a glorious defeat.

A couple of months ago someone somewhere told me about this little website called Pinterest.

And I said, “Goodness, no.  Who has more time to waste on the internets?””  (That’s not a typo.  It’s just what I call the internet.  Informally, of course.  Because me and the internets are chums like that.)


Despite the fact that these people were trustworthy friends, I declined to pursue the website.

And the days ticked by.

The months, really.

Another batch of reliable friends suggested I would love Pinterest.

More days went by.

Other friends nudged me on.

Eventually, as if you didn’t know the ending to this story already, I caved.

I did what I often do.

I said one thing, but then did another.

I signed up for Pinterest.

As far as I can tell this far into the game, Pinterest is just a giant internet bulletin board of sorts for all things cool online.

You pin items you like – be they crafts, recipes, clothes or hairstyles.

Or whatever.

So far I have pinned a recipe for homemade junior mints (per Mosely’s request), quotes for decorating our already quote-heavy walls, a bed that is actually a hammock on a front porch and about thirty other things I want to make or wear or eat.

And yes, I have wasted some time perusing Pinterest pages.

But this week those time-consuming Pinterest ideas actually led to a great night of community and fun with a couple of friends.

Jane and Mandy and Sarah and I gathered our supplies for crafts and hung out to co-create together.

Jane and Sarah, by the way, were among the friends attempting to convince me to join Pinterest.

On the other hand, I pulled Mandy along after her own many months of dragging her heels as well.

Sarah made us dinner.  It was tasty, indeed.  I tried edamame.

From Pinterest ideas we worked on a wall quote, wreaths, coasters, burlap banners and beaded bracelets.

And from Pinterest we ate nutella cupcakes and drank frozen hot chocolate.

(That frozen hot chocolate, by the way, was so insanely incredible.  I want to drink it nightly.  I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.  I’d like to buy the world a frozen hot chocolate and keep it company.)

I guess the moral of this story is – the internets is not all bad.  (I mean, we are chums, after all.)

Especially when it brings you relaxing evenings where you actually have opportunity to complete an entire craft that would have taken you weeks at home in Regular Life Time.



  • Kara

    So glad your on the bandwagon! I don't feel so bad about spending time on Pinterest since I actually USE a lot of the ideas. (As in, I pull up my Recipe pinboard when I'm making my monthly menu, I do activities with the kids, etc.) Now the important question is…how do we follow you?

  • Maggie

    Thanks to Pinterest I have made bracelets from t-shirts and homemade chalkboard paint… Who knows what is next!

  • Andrea

    I love Pinterest. And I'm throwing a Pinterest party too! We are all gonna make the same thing- a Christmas tree using pins and buttons. I can't wait!