God's Pursuit of Me,  HomeLife

to next week. may it be fuller. and may I be as well.

This week I have fallen asleep on the sofa twice.

That seldom happens to me.

I prefer my bed.

And I’ve overslept basically every morning this entire week.

Except Tuesday.

(But we had friends over, so my motivation was a bit stronger.)

We’ve done our school work.


But I haven’t folded a single bit of laundry.

I have been dressing children from the rumpled tower of clean clothes by the dryer.

I have re-washed the same load in the washer four times because I keep forgetting about day after day.

And I’ve been wondering why I am dragging myself around so much this week.

As far as weeks go, this was a pretty calm one.

Weekly Bible Study is over.

Violin class and drama class are finished for the school year.

There was nary a doctor’s appointment nor a dentist’s visit scheduled.

So maybe I have just been on “pause” after so much activity.

That might be true.

But I think also I have been something else.

Something like



Not filled up.

Because this week not only have I ignored the laundry,

I have ignored a few other things as well.

Like exercise.

And prayer.

And reading God’s word.

And when’s there’s nothing to eat,

there’s nothing to share.

When the vessel is dry,

nothing can be poured out.

You know, this wasn’t a bad week exactly.

But it was sort of a shallow week.

And I don’t care to repeat that part.

This weekend,

I hope you find rest.

And restoration.


And renewal.

That’s what I’ll be pursuing.


  • shelley

    Amen! This forces back into the Word every morning whether I feel like it or not. I'm in so over my head on a daily basis that if He doesn't hold it together, I know I'm doomed. It is a wonderful way to live . . . totally, utterly and completely dependent!