God's Pursuit of Me,  HomeLife

at the table.

Sometimes I just love

simple beauty

the best.

A wooden farm table.

Big enough to fit our family of eight and some friends too.

Scratches and fork marks particularly noticeable on the corner that has seated every Keigley kid plopped in the blue and white booster seat.

A green bowl.

Bought for me by my mother when I was back in high school and she believed her daughter should have a hope chest.

A literal chest filled with dishes and cloth napkins and crystal pitchers.

Yellow lemons.

A yellow only God could make.

Too bright and too much like sunshine

to be shaped into a Crayola cylinder.

And waiting to be squeezed into lemonade by little hands.

Red bowl.

Green limes.

The lemonade was so delicious that we are attempting our own limeade next.

Yellow daffodils.

Purple violets.

Picked by miniature fingers and shoved into a jar.

Held together by a red silly band.

Offered to me from an outstretched hand

that meant for those tiny blossoms to represent love.

This table and its bounty.

It reminds me of spring.

It speaks to me of hope.

It is love and refreshment and charm.

“Let the beauty we love

be what we do.

There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.”
