HomeLife,  Keiglets

The Cereal Survey

Apparently, the Keigleys eat cereal in an odd manner.

And by “apparently” I mean Emma says we do this.

We’re kind of fastidious about the temperature of the milk.

And by “we” I think I might mean Kevin.

And by “fastidious” I mean that the milk must be at maximum possible coldness.

As in, the pattern is always the same.

Leave milk in fridge.

Choose cereal.

Pour cereal in bowl.

Get spoon out of drawer.

Face your body in the direction in which you plan to sit with your bowl of cereal.

Quickly grab milk and quickly pour milk.

Do not be the last person to get milk poured.

Even if this means elbowing out your spouse and children in order to have the coldest possible milk poured over your cereal.

All the better if someone requires milk after you do as that enables you not to waste time putting said milk away when you need to be focusing on getting cold milk cereal into your mouth.

So there’s that issue.

Plus the Keigley kids (who care less about temperature but only because they have never known ice cold milk as their father always pours his bowl first and they have always suffered through lukewarm seconds) seem to like more milk in their bowls than the average cereal consumer.

Again, according to Emma.

They prefer every snap, crackle and pop to be immersed in white milk.  If a frosted mini wheat dares to poke its wheaty head through the milk, they protest, “Mom, there isn’t enough muuuuh-illllk.”

All that to ask this

Are we crazy?

Or better yet –

Are you crazy too?

If it isn’t the coldness or the coverage – what is it for you?

How do you eat your cereal?


  • tpeg88

    i am in perfect unison with Kevin. The coldest milk possible is the only way to enjoy cereal. Especially Apple Jacks or coca krispies.

  • alece

    the milk definitely needs to be as cold as possible.

    and i'm anti-sog. so i literally don't pour the milk until cereal is in the bowl and a spoon is in my hand, at the ready. even then, i will carry my bowl of cereal to the counter closest to the fridge, to allow minimum time between pouring, putting away the milk, and the first shovel-full into my mouth. then i proceed to inhale my cereal at warp speed to avoid any signs of sog. (i also prefer an abundance of milk in the bowl, but i don't drink it at the end. can't bring myself to do it. so i actually pride myself on trying to get the perfect milk/cereal ratio, allotting for plenty of milk per scoop but not so much that there's a bowlful left at the end.)


    i have issues.

    • alece

      and if that weren't enough, i actually prefer cereal at any time of the day BUT breakfast. my favorite? midnight snack. i'm notorious for sneaking to the kitchen between 12 and 4 am for a quick bowl of goodness. mmhmm.

      • LaceyKeigley

        Apparently, you would fit in quite comfortably here.
        That after midnight hour is the only real time I eat cereal.
        And it is always Frosted Flakes for me.

    • LaceyKeigley

      Oh definitely.
      Half of the cereal has usually been consumed before we reach the sofa to finish the remainder.

  • Maggie

    If it is frosted mini wheats I like the milk up to the brim and I let it soak and it is sooo good luke warm. If it is cinnamin toast crunch i like a about 1/4 a cup of milk to about 2 cups of cereal. Mmmmm good.

    • LaceyKeigley

      Man, I tried cinnamon toast crunch the other day – didn\’t your grandfather love that cereal?
      Anyway, it was like licking a sugar bowl.
      Way too sweet.
      Even for a chick like me who could eat brown sugar.

      • alece

        cinnamon toast crunch gets soggy way too fast. so i only eat it dry. i don't have much of a sweet tooth but sometimes i so crave that as a snack.

  • Gretchen

    I will just note this…….I have found it often interesting while visiting the Keigley household that the Keigley's always have name brand cereals. Never generic. Also an abundant varieties of which amazes me……..could one family possibly enjoy each type of cereal….hmmm just a question (but there are 8 of them)? I also find it interesting that cereal is consumed many times throughout the day, even late in the evening as a evening or midnight……uhhhh maybe past midnight snack. That is all I have to note concerning the Keigley's and their cereals. I think some type of intervention is needed.

    • LaceyKeigley

      Oh no.
      Truth revealed from an insider.
      All of which you say is correct.
      We do have name brand cereals. Some things just taste better. BUT to justify those purchases, I always use coupons and shop sales and therefore pay LESS per name brand box than the generic box. As in – I make it my personal goal to never pay more than $2 for any box of cereal but usually I pay about $1 per box or less.
      (Which might account for the variety. What's on sale? Right?)
      And yes, we do consumer cereal as a snack frequently. Or at least Kevin and kids do. But hey, at less than a quarter per serving, it is a pretty cheap snack – don't you think?
      Do we still need an intervention?
      It's possible.

  • Sarah W.

    Erik likes to pour his cereal with milk and go about other activites such as showering and getting dressed. He then waits long enough until the cereal is way too mushy for any human to possibly enjoy eating it and then he does eat it! Gross I know…

  • nikkie


    right now, we are trying to eliminate the carton of almond milk in the fridge, which means currently, no one really wants cereal around this place.

    lesson learned: almond milk is not the same as 2% Braum's milk where the Honey Nut Cheerios are concerned.


  • ben

    definitely love every bite soaked in milk — rice krispies and fruity pebbles absorb the best.

    and the more milk you fit in your bowl, the more chocolate milk is left over after cocoa puffs/cocoa pebbles. that is the breakfast that keeps on breaking.

    • LaceyKeigley

      Ohh – the chocolate residue leftover.
      Believe it or not – our kids have never had chocolate cereal yet.
      Am I depriving them?

  • thegypsymama

    That is TOO funny. Now my husband likes his cereal without milk. Yup, bone dry! And my sons have adopted his habit. *Good Grief* I say.

    • LaceyKeigley

      First – I think it is so funny that you comment when I post – which is waaay too late at night.
      Which means you keep the hours I keep. As in – the only hours kids are not needing me – hours.
      Second – No milk? Although that would save us some cash (milk is pricier than cereal) I don't think it would seem like eating cereal if there was no milk. Does he still use a bowl and a spoon?