HomeLife,  Otto Fox Wilder

we let him eat cake.

Otto had a pretty low key first birthday party, as far as those events tend to go.

And I am okay with that.

Besides, he has enough siblings to constitute a party wherever he goes, so it all works out.

A few good friends joined us to do what you do on a baby’s first birthday.

Watch them eat cake.

Our kids have all handled the first birthday a little differently.

We didn’t get the privilege of seeing Riley cram cake into her little kid face since we met her a few years after that event.  (I could just make something up here but I guess that’s a bad idea –  right?)

London was hesitant.  Never really took advantage of the towering cake placed in front of her.  (Maybe because it was some crazy organic-carrot-applesauce-flesh-colored-concoction that resembled a granola bar more than a first birthday cake.  Maybe.)

Mosely calmly ate her chocolate cupcakes with little fanfare.

Bergen?  Well.  Let me just be really honest here.  I cannot remember how Berg approached his first birthday.  Or even what his cake looked like.  (Are you going to take away my Parent Card now?)  I do remember that he still had two teeth on his first birthday.  But he did not by his second.  I remember that.

Piper Finn had a purple and pink cube of gooey yellow cake and she hardly used her hands.  Instead she placed her face upon the cake and slurped – it looked like she was nursing the cake.  It was weird.

And now, now there’s Otto.

I do remember this.

(But only because it happened just a few days ago.  You know.)

Otto saw his cool cake in the back of a little dump truck.  (Dirt cake – per the bigger kids’ suggestion.)

It looked good.

So he reached out his hand and ate it.

Just like that.

The only problem was that he kept eating it.

Mounds of dirt cake.

Definitely too much dirt cake.

And we all paid the price for that.

We all paid the price as Otto cried from a tummy ache throughout most of the Lost finale.

And I paid the price the next day as the chocolate cake exited his body, looking very much like it did entering his body.

But that’s okay.

Because everyone feels better now.  (Except faithful Lost viewers, of course.)


  • shelley

    What a great idea . . . the dirt cake in the back of the dump truck!! You are good! (And he is adorable . . . love how he just kept on eating! : ) )