God's Pursuit of Me


I never really thought you could develop community without meeting someone in person.

I didn’t think you could share your life with people virtually.

I was wrong.

It’s never a replacement for living life with the real people surrounding me, but I have been amazed and honored to begin experiencing a taste of online community through reading and commenting and virtual “meeting” of several women through their raw, tender and beautiful blogs.

One blog I stumbled upon one evening last fall brought me to tears.  I stayed up late crying while reading Sarah Markley’s incredible story of redemption and grace.  And then I did something I rarely do – I e-mailed a stranger.  And since then we have been communicating in e-mails and developing a friendship through the power of story and circumstances and a loving God who uses any means necessary to draw people to Him.  (Even blogs and late night reading.)

I was humbled, surprised and nervous when she asked me to guest blog on her blog this week as she explored the topic of beauty.  (So nervous, in fact, that I almost didn’t announce it like this – I am a little anxious – okay?)

I have never guest-posted before.  I think Sarah’s writing is sweet and vulnerable and it daily inspires me.  I think she is brave and bold to trust God to openly share her worst moments and her evolving journey of growth and mercy.

And I can’t believe she likes my writing enough to place it on her own page!

It’s about beauty – and my struggle with personal beauty and body image – my own, of course.  And I get kind of personal.  So, if you don’t link over – I’ll never know.  And if you do and you get a little red-faced, well, don’t say I didn’t warn you already – alright?

Check it out here if you’d like – www.sarahmarkley.com.


  • Shelley in SC

    I am so stinkin' proud of you, Lacey! I had found this blog earlier and read her amazing story. Really gripping. Your guest post was excellent. As usual, I love your beautiful way of connecting with exactly what's going on in our hearts.

  • Julie

    Oh….the words that speak right to my soul. I too am never satisfied, constantly striving. Never feeling pretty enough, thin enough, confident enough. Striving.
    At one point I read a book (Captivating by Staci Eldridge) that talks about 1Peter 3:4 (be beautiful on the inside with a quiet and gentle spirit that is so pleasing to the Lord). The quiet and gentle in the passage talks about the striving that we do. The lack of contentment that we have. The constant longing for something more; better; different. I had adopted this verse as mine early in my college years, wanting a quiet spirit. A spirit of gentleness. But didn't realize how much this way of looking at the verse applies so much more to my life.
    I need to quit striving. I need to remember who made me. I was made by the Creator King. He makes no mistakes. Everything he makes is beautiful. Worthy. Perfect. I need to remember because it isn't just me who needs to quit striving. It is the little eyes who watch me everyday who need to see themselves as beautiful…good enough, because of who they are and who they were created by. And I don't want to pass on a legacy of dis-contentedness about my looks to them.
    Thank you, Lacey, for the reminder.

    • Lacey

      I hear you.
      Isn't it like – a hundred times more challenging – to try to get our act together so we don't pass on our issues to these little people (especially these little girls) who are learning about themselves from us?
      I have heard Captivating recommended before – I will have to read that one.

  • alece

    so glad you are finding true community and friendship online. it has been a lifesaver for me during the last two years of my life. (and having spent time with sarah in person, i know her to be genuinely beautiful inside and out. she is absolutely wonderful!)

    loved reading your post over at sarah's. my heart resonates with what you wrote so deeply. who am i to tell God He should've made me differently?! and yet i do by my actions and grumbling and internal self-loathing. sigh…

  • Kevin Keigley

    You are most worthy of this attention Lacey.
    You are incredibly talented and gifted and able to express your thoughts and ideas in a way that welcomes anyone and everyone.
    Well done.
    (Pat on back. Handshake and pose for photo. FLASH. Off you go.)

    • Lacey

      Nikkie – thank you.

      You are actually one of those online surprises as well. (In fact – my current record is three – three official e-mails to complete strangers. And you are stranger Number Two.)

      I have enjoyed following you in this online world as well!

  • maryhess

    I totally understand your thoughts of the online community. I feel like sometimes I 'miss' people – people who I've yet to meet IRL. LOL So I get ya!

    It was a beautiful, transparent post you shared today. And I look forward to reading more from you and following you on Twitter.

    Have a great day!