Chaos,  God's Pursuit of Me,  Story

The Edge

(This is not a post about U2.  Sorry Jane.)

I think I live on some precarious edge.

Like – right next to a cliff.  (You know, like the little old man in Up who wanted to plop his home right down beside the ravine, the waterfall, the danger?)

I live there.

Or at least, I have been camping there for far too long.

And the view is alright, I guess, but the effort and the stress of living right on that edge is wearing me down.

And another thing.

Because I live so close to that edge I find it really hard to maintain stability.  To find a firm footing.

At the edge, it only takes a slight push, a strong wind, a huff really, to send me faltering down the cliff.

And when I’m already sliding down the mountain, I can’t seem to muster the strength to hold on.  To anything.

And that’s why I want to move.

Put a red “for sale” sign on this tent that I’ve erected here.

Find a new, permanent residence.

The kind that sits on Solid Ground.