
Weekend Whatnot

It was a good weekend.

Sunny and rainy and cool and warm.

Yep.  It was all that in the span of one weekend.

I’m feeling pretty random so I think that’s what you’ll be seeing here.

I think a twelve-year-old wrote the most recent version of Transformers.

(Actually, I think a transformer wrote it.  Twelve-year-olds are more clever.)

Have you ever seen Once Again Sam jewelry?

It’s just so sweet and lovely.

I purchased this little Fox necklace and it’s become one of my favorite jewelry pieces.

I mean, if it has a fox – I’m probably going to buy it.

I love pretty much everything she does.  I’ve got my eye on the state necklaces plus the cuffs and well – you know, all of it.

I played I Spy Go Fish with my littlest man this weekend.

All cool like that.

He’s so stinkin’ cute lately.  His voice.  The way he is beginning to pronounce his “f’s” finally.  He cracks me up with his expressions and hilarious commentary.

Also – I Spy Go Fish is a fabulous little card game – makes a great gift for a little non-reader and it’s even fun for the grown-up playing along.

Did I mention we have hired a math tutor this year for the big kids?

We certainly did love our Miss Shelby of days gone by.  But alas – she acquired a professional teaching gig and we wish her well.

The kids and I have been so pleased with our discovery of Ms. Cutter this year.  She comes to the house once a week and fills in all of the many and varied gaps I have created in my children’s math education.  She’s wonderful.

Perhaps the greatest compliment is the fact that the kids love having her visit weekly and Mosely always says, “I love the way she helps me learn and never says – ‘that’s wrong’ but instead says ‘let’s try it this way’.”

This weekend we moseyed into Hendersonville and enjoyed the streets of what is certainly the happiest downtown in all of North Carolina.

Still holding hands to cross the streets.


We tried to take a series of family pictures of all of us with Kevin’s outstretched hand. They were a comedy routine basically.

And another.  Of many.


Just one of many.

We did leave the state with some delicious apples.  Because – well, North carolina apples.

Aren't they pretty?

In the evening we gathered with friends at a park and watched a movie outdoors.  (I don’t think a twelve-year-old or a transformer wrote How To Train Your Dragon Two.  But I do think the writer missed the mark on a handful of important-to-me ideas in this kid sequel.)

As of last week, all of the windows in our home have now been replaced.  Each broken window now boasts a clear, new, tightly fitted window.  And a plumber repaired our drippy bathtub faucet.  A good house weekend indeed.

Naturally a new window allowing beautiful golden light to fill our previously dark living room required a furniture rearrangement.  (The former window had been hidden behind a curtain.  Hidden because it was severely broken – with its empty pane filled with a 1960’s country music record album cover as opposed to glass – and all of that beauty covered with plastic and painting tape.)  It was glorious sight friends.  You can imagine how sad I was to see that charm disappear.

Mosely and London and I squeezed in a quick trip to the local thrift store.  Where for under $17 I purchased a pair of corduroy pants for the girls, plus three pairs of jeans for them to share – they are finally back in the same basic size – and two pairs of Land’s End cords for Bergen, a pair of Carter’s cargo pants for Fox, a bright red pair of pants that only PIper can pull off, two shirts for the girls and a jacket for Mosely.  I think that was a pretty successful excursion.  I tell you what – these two daughters of mine are comical.  While shopping London would hold up an article of clothing and ask, “Don’t you think this piece should be ashamed of being so ugly?”  She is nearly impossible to please when it comes to shirts.  She wants plain.  Plain colors, no designs, oversized.  The only shirt she was willing to try on was a giant t-shirt with a french horn embroidered on it.  Embroidered! (NO worries.  I said no.  Not even for a dollar.)

But they are so much fun!


My rambling mood has passed and the blog post I started last night I am finishing this morning.

I’d love to hear your rambling weekend thoughts!




  • Melissa

    I’m not responsible for this splurge purchase, but Anthropologie has fox toghts for a grown up. If they had been navy,i would own them. They are black…and adorable….and so tempting…

    • laceykeigley

      I must go look upon these tights.

      Although – they probably cost more than the price of wearing an actual fox strapped to my legs.