Bergen Hawkeye,  HomeLife,  Keiglets

toy wedded bliss.

Kids get attached to specific toys.

Growing up, my younger brother and I had our favorites.

We loved Cabbage Patch Kids and we loved these two plastic Care Bears we carried in our pockets everywhere.

My Buddy and Kid Sister were popular pals for us (anyone remember their theme song?) and we had two koala bears that accompanied us on many adventures.  (We cleverly named them KB and Willie.  KB for Koala Bear – get it?)

Our children are just the same.

And for reasons only totally understood by them, the five youngest of them have become strangely attached to a series of toys called Beanie Boos.

We didn’t know they were called Beanie Boos at first so the kids labeled them after the stuffed creatures’ most dominant feature – Big Eye Animals.

Big Eye Animals were discovered on one of our family vacations to Tybee Island in a little River Street shop in Savannah about three years ago.

And now our kids think all Big Eye Animals permanently reside in Savannah and they can hardly believe it when one glossy-eyed furry friend is spotted at our local Barnes & Noble.

They’ve been slowly adding to their group collection for several years now and the charm still hasn’t worn off.

(I already know I’ll probably always hold a simple fondness for the silly looking stuffed things based on the years of watching my children enjoy them.)

Last week was a pretty big occasion for the Big Eyes and their kin.

It was wedding time.

These two got married and I was asked to be the officiant of the ceremony.

(If I agreed to perform said officiant role as the Big Eye Animal known as Tangerine.  I acquiesced.)

The kids all worked together to design costumes, gather flowers and arrange their animals.  (I didn’t help at all – and I just love seeing what their imaginations create.)

It was pretty stinkin’ cute.

(The kind of moment that makes me want to call my mom and say “remember when?”  But I can’t.  Or call my younger brother and say “remember when?”  But I can’t call New Zealand either.  So.  I write this instead.)

This monkey made a fine best man dressed in what I believe was a suit more dapper than the groom.

As I performed my part of the ceremony I relied heavily on The Princess Bride for my inspiration.

I’m pretty sure I did awesome.

And as I said, “Have you the wings?”  (You know, “rings” said with a speech impediment?)

Bergen began to crack up.

I laughed too, because I thought I was funny.

But Bergen replied, “Of course we have wings – we’re a lady bug and a bee!”


  • Helen Rutrough

    Love to read about your family's adventures! They make me smile. A lot.
    Which brother is in New Zealand? And how is your dad doing?

    • LaceyKeigley

      I'm so glad you keep reading!
      I like seeing photos of your grandbabies on facebook! Too sweet.

      Douglas is in New Zealand now.

      Dad is doing well – living in Florida. We were able to see him at the beach this year.