Bergen Hawkeye

The Hawke

This is Hawkeye.

He needed a haircut.

And I had this idea.

His name is Hawke, after all, right?

The idea actually took several weeks of convincing.

Finally, this weekend, somewhat out of the blue, an announcement is made by Hawkeye.

“I’m ready for a mohawk now Mommy.”

Okay.  Okay son.

Drop everything.  Run to our resident stylist.

And one Mythbusters episode later, the hawk emerges.

The mohawk, that is.

It looks stinkin’ adorable.

(Except the wearer is not as fond of the results as the mommy is.  Which is a real shame.  Since now Hawkeye will not let me spike the mohawk up.  And that makes me a little sad.)

Well, as soon as Fox grows some hair on that sweet head of his I know just what hairstyle he should sport.