
Five Finds Friday.

Somehow, when the calendar says September, I keep thinking it should FEEL like fall already.

It does not.

We live in the wrong state for it to feel like fall in September.


Bergen started it.

He wrote, printed and posted this sign.

(After acquiring a signature from every family member.)

Now there are at least two other similar signs posted around our home.


Long live the classic BLTbonus points for tomatoes fresh from the garden.


I attended a wedding last weekend.

It was fun – for many reasons – but one, because it had been a real long time since I had a reason to get dressed up.

I did feel old. Because everyone there was much younger.

I also borrowed a dress from Hannah – which worked out perfectly.

I miss regular celebrations and parties and all that fun.



More years ago than I can remember, Mamaw purchased this darling little chair. It’s had a place of honor for years at our home. As my kids started outgrowing the chair, it was borrowed by Emma and others for sweet little kid photos.

Now, it lives at Riley’s house and is still being enjoyed by precious little humans.

I love the history behind furniture like this. And I am grateful for the legacy of family.
