
this little moment.

I cannot fix the world.

Sometimes I don’t even want to try.

But I think I can help (kind of) fix six little parts of the world. Six small stones that have the potential to have ripple effects on the surface of the water of the world.

They share my last name (or did, pre-marriage for one of them).

And my window of time is shockingly small. But recently, I had this gift of a glimpse of a better way.

I was cooking in the kitchen and quietly listening – and storing it all up, feeling like Mary more by the minute. (Not in some holy way, mind you – just in the storing up way. Actually – that’s probably a pretty holy way after all.)

For some reason, whilst all the others had trotted off to and fro to places unknown, Matthew and Piper found themselves in the living room, making up some game with books. They would give topics or subjects and then they would look in a book for the first phrase and let that phrase match their word or subject. It was nonsensical and silly and it was producing the heartiest laughs I have heard from these two in quite some time.

This is what I hope these two were learning right then, in a small and Lord willing deep and lasting way.

  • You can be friends.
  • Laughter is delightful, uplifting, life giving.
  • Girls and boys can be actual friends.
  • Humans can find joy together even when they are not alike – or even when they are too much alike.
  • There is good in the simple, it doesn’t need to be on a screen or to a have a plan or to even be organized – just a willingness to laugh and a simple enjoyment of one another’s company.

That can actually be enough.

I was glad I caught a glimpse of it before the magic spell was broken.
