


  1. We started back to school last week.  Maybe the week before.  Did I take any darling photos of children standing beside chalkboard signs announcing their grade?  No.
  2. We didn’t move into our new home yet.  But we will.  Soon.  Until then we are living amongst the boxes and I can’t find the baking soda for biscuits because I guess I packed it already and yet there is still artwork on the walls so don’t ask me how I prioritize what to pack and what to leave out.
  3. Y’all.  Air mattresses were not created for long term sleeping arrangements.
  4. As London says, “Mom, I think it’s just right that you are sleeping on an air mattress and that there are boxes everywhere because then when we move everything will seem so much better and you’ll be so thankful for a bed even if your room is smaller.”  She’s right.  She’s so very right.
  5. Today I didn’t shower until 3 o’clock in the afternoon.  I had already made breakfast, taught school, made lunch, worked for a bit and responded to a dozen or more emails.  But showering just wasn’t too high on the priority list.
  6. Algebra.  I don’t like it.
  7. The fact that more than HALF of my children are teenagers or older is NOT cool.
  8. Hello 45.  What’s up with metabolism.  It’s annoying.
  9. Should I chop all of my hair off?
  10. Does everyone feel like summer lasted only about one weekend long this go round?



