HomeLife,  HomeSchooling,  Keiglets

five finds friday (on a SATURDAY, featuring cute letters and free stuff)


Unscheduled.  Awry.  Shifted.  Not as planned.

Those are all the correct words to describe this week.  Mostly stemming from car issues, nearly nothing that I thought was going to happen or scheduled to happen actually occurred as planned or anticipated.  All. Week. Long.

Some days my car would start.  Some days it would not.  Some days I spent trying to get it repaired. Some days it looked repaired.  Some days it did not.

Also, several of the kids began to feel off this week – a cough there or a fever here, light headed for one, extra exhausted for another.

Again – changed up all the plans.

I’ve got no game for the car issues.  I have to call in back up every time because under the hood of my Yukon is one dynamic mystery to me.

But the issues inside our home?  Those were easier.  I have been pushing elderberry syrup on my kids like the magic elixir it seems to be.  And I’ve been mixing up what my friend Hilary calls a “cocktail” of essential oils and applying them to the spine in what I am learning is called a rainbow technique (do I sound crazy yet?) and you guys, I am telling you, it’s working.  I won’t pretend to understand it, but it is working.

Anyway.  All that schedule off and plans changed and mix ups here and car not starting there have my week haywire so I am writing Five Finds Friday on a Saturday because I want to and because I can.

So there.





One of this week’s journal entries was to describe a friend.  The kids were asked to describe the person without naming them so that we could all try to guess who fit their description.

Otto chose Bergen (which I thought was pretty precious brotherly love) and I was laughing disruptively when I read his entry.

He wrote:

He has blonde hair.  He is a friend that is good, nice and mean sometimes.  But mostly nice.  He has a shirt on that he never takes off.  (Unless he is changing, that’s when he takes it off.)  He is older than me, just like my other friends are.  He is fun – really really really really FUN.  He has bones for sure.  He eats food from the floor.

For me, I really couldn’t control my laughter at the line – “he has bones for sure”.




Years ago my girls met their friend Quinn.  They were all so tiny then.  (Just little elementary kids.  Hard to believe, isn’t it?)   The girls have attended a co-op together and have both been in Book Club together.

Quinn is growing up in a family passionate about Jesus and loving orphans and adoption and expressing all those passions in purposeful and tangible ways.  Quinn’s mother (and my friend) Melinda has traveled to China and to Ethiopia.  Their family adopted Sam several years ago – the story is amazing.

(Also, completely unrelated and absolutely trivial – I have adored Melinda’s curly locks since I first met her.  They’re just perfect.)

Quinn has the opportunity to travel to Ethiopia this year with her mom. (This is something I would love to do with my kids one day.)  In order to help pay for her trip she designed and is selling these t-shirts.  I love that – taking her skills and creating a product to raise the money for her trip.  And she’s just fourteen.)

They’re great t-shirts and they’d make a great addition to your t-shirt collection.

You can order your shirt right here!





This quote by Elisabeth Elliot :

Part of what you have received is your age. Have you accepted the exact number of years and months and days God has granted to you so far? Do you lie about your age? Do you hate growing old? But old age is one of the stages of the journey with the Shepherd. Make use of it as He intends.




Relatively often, we write letters to people.  Regular old letters that arrive in actual mailboxes.  Last week London decided to write her letter to her nephew – Maddox.  Who was appropriately thrilled and awed by receiving such an adorable letter in his own mailbox.

Real letters, guys.  Go write one.





I’m ditching flavorful this week and giving you a new word – FREE.  (Well, basically free, you know how this goes.)

Grove Collaborative is sponsoring another incentive to join and my week has been too derailed to give it its proper post.

So here it is in the most simple of forms.

New members receive the following:

  • Mrs. Meyer’s body wash
  • Mrs. Meyer’s body lotion
  • Grove Collaborative loofah
  • 60 day VIP trial



Also, I just always want to live inside their photographs.  And bathe in their tubs – never in my own.  It’s not photo worthy at all.  But theirs sure are.

I love their body wash but I haven’t tried the body lotion yet – mine will come this month actually so I’m curious to see how it is.

Existing members receive a free lip balm.  (Seriously, their lip balm is my favorite.)

Place your orders here.


