Bergen Hawkeye,  HomeLife

True Colors

Kids draw and color during their Sunday School classes.

It’s perfectly normal behavior.

A regular routine.

At our church the completed coloring sheets are frequently featured on a thin bulletin board strip on the hall walls outside of their classrooms.

Last week our friend sent us a text.

It said something like this:

I was walking down the hall at church.  I noticed the kids’ drawings of Jonah on the walls.

Most of the drawings looked like this

A regular drawing from a regular kid.

Jonah landing on the shore – recovering from his whale episode.

But then I noticed another drawing that looked like this

Our son's work.

After he saw our son’s name scrawled across the top corner of the page, he had no choice but to share this piece of art with us.

Well Bergen.  I guess you are a literalist at heart.