Create,  HomeLife

now available for you ….

I’ve watched Kevin’s hands with pencil in place for decades.

I do love these hands though.

Just over two of them now, in fact.

I love his art.

His style has really grown and morphed during these years.

I’ve witnessed him engage in the struggle of The War of Art

or The War with Art.

And he has come out on another side

and he’s a better artist for the battle

and his art is better for the struggle.

He’s often experimenting with how the art gets from his mind and his fingers to anyone else in real life.

So – a bit of Kevin’s work is right now available at Society 6 – a website marketplace for artists.

In the company of other artists, like our friend Josh Lafayette and his funky lettering skills and quirky style . . .

You can now find Kevin Keigley originals.

If you’ve got a favorite of his you’d like to see made available through this website – let me know.

I know some people.

This is how it rolls to take pictures with Kevin.