Field Trip,  HomeSchooling,  Prairie Primer Year

Field Trip: Native American Festival

Last weekend we attended a Native American Festival at a nearby historic mill.

It was a great experience for us to connect a few of the things we’ve been reading about in our Little House series

The kids had read that Laura and Mary had received horehound candy as a treat once so when we saw horehound sticks for sale for a quarter we figured it was the perfect opportunity to try this old-fashioned candy.

They liked it so much that Bergen spent another quarter of his own money to buy a stick for later.

We munched on traditional fry bread, watched dancing and listened to drums playing.

We walked through small log cabins and were able to watch a gentleman take a photo with an antique camera and turn it into a tintype picture.

(That was a really interesting process, right before our eyes.)

There was a man using a bamboo blow dart.  Otto lingered over there for a long while.

We learned about arrowheads and brought in some of our own for the experts to see.  We discovered they were probably about two thousand years old.

It was an overcast day, but it was a good day of bonding and learning and exploring together.